• @[email protected]
    273 months ago

    See also hobgoblin mafia existing solely to be referred to as the hob-gob mob. And when players are sent to infiltrate them, it’s called the hob-gob mob job.

    If you lean into it you can break people’s brains. “Here’s the key for their fat-cat leader’s ramshackle safehouse, so you can plant this explosive clay in his stove. It’s the Hob-Gob mob job’s hovel hob blob fob.”

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Ooh, a pre-heist. Getting close to the mafia leader’s fat ass is easy; be a waiter. But he only trusts his bloodthirsty wife. Anyone short could shapechange, but he has refined senses; even the scent of her lipstick has to be exact. You’d need a sample. Maybe from food where part comes back with the cutlery. A roasted vegetable with a rind or a core. Wipe that down to duplicate it, and a smoky room might disguise any other tells. Then a player can feed him some sedative-laced shrimp.

        But that hob gob mob don prawn con obligates the kebab snob’s wackjob hearthrob cob swab.

    • @vrek
      63 months ago

      I didn’t know Dr. Suess was a dm…

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        From the other site’s dndmemes:

        A red rogue with a rouge rogue cloak?

        He wears a brooch on his rouge rogue cloak. It’s a conversation-starter, when people broach the subject. A real confidence boost to boast about a rouge rogue cloak brooch broach. He worries that the brooch he bought ought not look tough enough, though. The thought thoroughly rubs this rouge rogue wrong, through and through.

        I think I’m having a stroke

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      It’s DM vs player, but the DM is trying to catch the players by surprise with the biggest punchline instead of trying to kill the PCs.