• Zorque
    5 months ago

    90% of the time that’s because everyone sits ten feet behind them so if they’re next to an onramp no one can merge. And seeing as they’re sixty feet long they can’t exactly merge left to let someone on (because that person sitting halfway up their colon sure as fuck won’t) because there’s not going to be any room.

    I don’t particularly like it when people sit in the middle lane either… but until people realize they’re not competing with everyone else on the road and actually leave enough space for people to merge (from an onramp, from another lane, wherever) then it’s only responsible to ensure that people have at least a somewhat fighting chance to actually get on the highway in the first place.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Eh, I think sitting in the middle is totally reasonable. The right lane is for exiting and merging, and everything to the left should be used only when passing. So as you go left, speeds should increase. The speed limit here isn’t that important, the important thing is that you’re never passing from the right.

      Obviously reverse for backwards countries like the UK.

      • Fiona
        25 months ago

        The right lane is for exiting and merging,

        And for driving! If you see someone merging you can temporarily switch to the middle lane to overtake them, given that your speed will usually be higher.

        • @[email protected]
          45 months ago

          Sure, but if there are enough lanes, I think people should travel in the next lane over. For example, in my area we have 6 lanes, so unless you’re exiting, you should probably be one or two lanes over.

          If it’s a two-lane highway, the right lane is for travel and the left is for passing. For three lanes, up to you. For >3 lanes, the right lane should be left open since there’s probably a lot of merging going on.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          If you see someone merging you can temporarily switch to the middle lane to overtake them

          That’s illegal in USA. People do it anyway, but if there’s a crash and blame needs to be assigned, then the law says you’re supposed to keep driving at the same speed, not change lanes, and leave it entirely up to the driver attempting to merge to regulate their speed so they can merge safely.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      Where else are people supposed to sit? The left lane is for passing, the right lane is for entering and exiting. The middle lanes are only for driving.

      • Fiona
        15 months ago

        he left lane is for passing, the right lane is for entering and exiting. The middle lanes are only for driving.

        No, the right lane is for driving! It’s where you are supposed to be and the only place that won’t get you fined if you aren’t using it for overtaking! The middle lane is only for overtaking those on the right lane and the left lane is only for overtaking those overtaking on the middle lane.