The only game I have ever played is FIFA on a PS4. Now I have a gaming laptop but have no idea how I should go about playing games on Linux. Appreciate your help in advance!

  • zygo_histo_morpheus
    10 months ago

    This might not be what you mean when you say “addictive”, but since I’ve been addicted to it for the last half year or so, I’m gonna suggest it anyway: Morrowind.

    While the original came out in 2002 for Windows and later Xbox, there’s been a fan remake of the engine which runs on linux (and windows and macos) called OpenMW.

    It’s an open world role playing game about exploring the island of Vvardenfell, which is a strange and alien place that’s easy to lose yourself in. Most of the wildlife is made up of insect- or dinosaur like creatures. There are forests made up of giant mushrooms, and ancient wizard lords who use magic to grow mushrooms into buildings that you have to be able to fly to navigate. It’s a world with a rich history, featuring several different religions, cultures and overlapping and competing political structures.

    Despite its age, it is to this day a game with a very active modding community which can extend and improve the games mechanics and visuals. It also features what is probably the longest running active modding project, Tamriel rebuilt which seeks to add the rest of the province of Morrowind to the game. It’s about half way done and has basically another game worth of content in it at this point.

      10 months ago

      I’ve been meaning to try this out. As a big fan of the neverwinter nights community, and someone who played rhe original WAY to much, it’s just to tantalizing.

      Edit: I mean the original Morrowind.

      • zygo_histo_morpheus
        10 months ago

        You should, there’s a lot of cool stuff going on in the Morrowind community and now is a really good time to get (back) into the game. Province: Cyrodiil, which has adding cyrodiil as based on Morrowind-era lore to the game as a goal, is set to release have its first major release later this year. I’ve also been getting into tes3mp lately which is a fork of OpenMW for multiplayer.

        As a big fan of the neverwinter nights community,

        You might appreciate this April fools joke from the OpenMW team then :D