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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • zygo_histo_morpheustoProgrammingOdin or Rust
    25 days ago

    One of my acquaintances has actually made a small game in Odin (Cat and Onion) and after that written a book about the language (Understanding the Odin Programming Language). I don’t know much about Odin myself but from what I’ve gathered there isn’t that much quality documentation or that many good tutorials etc. so it can be a bit hard to get in to the language, which is why he decided to write the book.

  • Most of the music I listen to fits under the alternative umbrella. While I never actually spent a lot of time directly on /mu/ that type of online music culture circa ten years ago has been very influential on my music taste. A couple of years ago I also had a big emo phase, in particular 90’s emo and 10’s emo revival. I also listen to a lot of punk and post hardcore.

  • People have scrutinized what chatgpt for example is allowed and not allowed to say by its programmers. I think the difference here is that there is lower hanging fruit to grab because the Chinese state has a different relationship to censorship than a lot of other states.

    I also associate Sinophobia with being prejudiced against Chinese people or Chinese culture, however being critical or skeptical of the Chinese state is actually perfectly reasonable. I’m also very critical of the US state and this isn’t because I’m “americaphobic” or some nonsense.

  • Helix has better defaults for sure and I get why people might prefer it but I have a very hard time imagining it being a better choice than vim in every situation even with a lot more development.

    Also, if you work with programming for example your editor is going to be one of your main tools and I think that “reading guides” is an acceptable amount of effort to put in to learning such a tool. Vim has a higher barrier of entry than it needs to (this can to some extent be explained with backwards compatability) but with Helix you still have to put some time in to understanding the editing model anyway.

  • The biggest thing missing from helix right now imo is plugin support, so a lot of plugins that I really like wouldn’t be available. I use fugitive a lot for working with git for example.

    Another one is the quickfix list in combination with ex commands. One thing you can do for example is setup :make to run your compiler and then when you get compilation errors they’ll show up in your quickfix list. You can then use :Cfilter to focus on one type of error and then :cdo to for example do a find and replace on the remaining lines.

    In general, if I don’t have an lsp available for whatever reason (I work in cmake a fair amount at my $DAYJOB for example) I would much rather use vim, in particular because of the stuff that you can do with ex commands that I mentioned above (also works great with grep) but also because of the ctags support.

    Helix can do a lot of nice things out of the box for a lot of cases of software editing, but it’s not nearly as broad or as customizable of a tool as vim

  • I don’t really see the point in a “facebook competitior” since the only appeal of facebook is that it’s “normal” and “evryone” is on it, something that just isn’t going to be true for e.g. some fediverse product. Everyone should stop using facebook if possible though, I’m trying to persuade different messenger groupchats that I’m part of to switch to something else left and right personally

  • With arch, I’d recommend just jumping in the deep and and installing it, looking things up on the wiki when something goes wrong. Just do it in a virtual machine or on an old laptop or something to start with. I broke my previous distro (mint) by doing some really stupid stuff, and I decided to just go fuck it and install arch. I don’t think I’ve ever learned as much about linux as that weekend.

    I suppose that I was already pretty comfortable with the terminal since I was studying computer science at the time so I had a lot of reason to use it. I think the best way to use the terminal is to force yourself to use it, programming is great for this but you can try e.g. sorting your photos or mp3 files or something as practice too.

  • One problem with this question is that UBI can be implemented in different ways and the way that it is implemented is very important.

    I think that the way most people think about UBI is that you would get enough money to not have to work. I don’t think that this is compatible with capitalism, because the main reason why people work is because they are pressured into it for economic reasons so removing that without providing people with some other reason to work will just cause the economy to collapse.

    Even if people work for some other reason than money, you will still have the problem that UBI undermines itself. As less people work for money, the money you get from the UBI program will also mean less. Not only do you need a different way to encourage people to work, but you also need a new way to distribute the products of that work if you want to ensure that everyone has access to basics like food and housing.

    For these reasons I don’t think that a UBI that offers people the option of not working is compatible with capitalism. Capitalism is the system that we use to distribute work and resources and if we implement UBI we will have to invent new systems to do those things instead.

    It is still possible to have a smaller UBI under capitalism if your goal is to for example prevent money from getting to concentrated among the rich and instead stimulate the economy, or something.

  • Debugging is kind of a weak point in vim to be honest, there is a plugin called termdebug which comes bundled with vim that can do gdb debugging ok, but anything more complicated mostly just feels like a lot more work and a bit more jank than just using vscode.

    I use just as well, it’s a more vimy approach than something more tightly integrated so that makes sense.

    Helix is nice, but I don’t think I could leave behind some of my vim plugins, fugitive in particular is an integral part of my git workflow. Haven’t used the kakoune editing model enough to really decide if I think it’s better than vim personally.

  • Out of curiosity, what have you had trouble with config wise? I’ve been using vm/neovim for long enough that I can’t relate to the setting up for the first time process anymore. Is it basic stuff or things like adding lsp?

    Helix does come with more bells and whistles out of the box so it’s great if you don’t feel like tinkering with your setup. Couldn’t be me, I love that shit!

  • The first game is a bit different from the rest and it’s greatest strength is the world building of the universe, where it is the strongest title of the trilogy. People mostly like the mass effect series for the companions though, and they are at their best in the second game.

    The first game suffers a bit from being an awkward hybrid between an infinity engine game and a more action-oriented game. It was a rough time for RPGs in general in that respect. ME2 and 3 lean more in to the action game play for better and worse (mostly better).

    Unless you are in hurry to get on to the next game, I’d encourage you to do some of the optional and very easy to miss sidequests that you can get from exploring planets. Its worth checking the wiki for these if you don’t feel like doing enough exploring to stumble across them organically, I can in particular recommend the Cerberus quest chain and Talis geth quest chain.

  • This reminds me of a trick to get multiline strings in javascript before they where formally introduced. If you coerce a function in to a string you get the source code for that function, comments and all. This meant that you could write a function with multiline comments and then pick out the middle part. Haven’t tested it so it’s probably sligthly wrong but it was something like:

    var multiLine = ('' + function () {/*
    line 1
    line 2
    multiLine = multiLine.substring(16, multiLine.length-4);