I wanna make a server as close to vanilla mc as possible but my hardware is a bit limited, I’m running a Samsung a51 as my server.

What plugins give a mc like experience? And how do I make the server

  • @MajorHavoc
    3 months ago

    Just a quick add, when you’re playing on the same WiFi network as your friends, you don’t need any of the external IP stuff in this thread.

    So playing on the same WIFI network could be a good way to see how you like the gameplay, before going into hardcore gamer networking to get remote play working.

    Of course, everything discussed here works for a ton of games. So it can be well worth the effort to figure out, if you find the time.

    • sleepybisexualOP
      23 months ago

      Its gonna be with friends across my country. Hell. Maybe multinational

      Gonna look into a vps? Anyone has free servers? Or free tiers?

      • @MajorHavoc
        13 months ago

        A VPS is a good idea. I haven’t gotten that far with MineTest yet, but I’ll be happy to swap tips as we progress in our attempts here.

        • sleepybisexualOP
          12 months ago

          Gave up on minetest, decided to get an mc server.

          Android mintest doesn’t work well on an android console

          • @MajorHavoc
            12 months ago

            Ah. Makes sense. Yeah. I can’t imagine a MineTest configuration that would play well on an Android console - at least the one I had. I had poor luck doing much with my Android console (before it died) outside of what came with it.