In games like Destiny or CS:GO for example, you should not even be allowed to start the activity without a working microphone. I dont care if you are antisocial, if that’s the case, those activaties aren’t for you and you shouldn’t bring down your entire team because of that.

As an clarification, I’m more worried about Raids than PVP

  • @[email protected]
    112 months ago

    Weird how this is an actual unpopular opinion, entirely fitting within this community, and it’s getting downvoted.

    • @[email protected]
      222 months ago

      These kind of “upvote what you disagree with” communities never work out. Never has on Reddit either.

      • @[email protected]
        112 months ago

        Agree, just let the voting buttons work as intended. The onus of inversion is always on the interpretation not on the people casting the votes. The best posts on this community should be in the ones in the negative.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago


        sorta untrue. one strategy i have seen work out well is to have an automated comment pinned that says “upvote this comment if you think this post is unpopular” and then moderation is done using that data while regular posts votes are pretty much left to be as they are. unsure if lemmy is capable of these things yet tho which is the roadblock here.