Analysis of 553 protests in solidarity with Palestinians between 18 April and 3 May found 97% of them did not cause serious damage

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  • @[email protected]
    335 months ago

    Nearly half of the campus protests that Acled categorized as violent involved protesters fighting with law enforcement during police interventions, according to the group’s data.

    So 98.5% were peaceful, although some protesters had to defend themselves against police aggression.

    • @stembolts
      95 months ago

      1.5% non-compliance, that’s a paddlin.

      Based on what I’ve seen I doubt most American police know what a percent is.

      Path to police seems to be, be dumb in everything, bully some people, show willingness to abuse without thought. Here ya go, have a license to kill, torture/murder implements, now get out there and shoot some poor people!