• @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    If there’s one thing the Right has done much better than the Left over the last 20+ years, it’s engaging people at the local level. Even if they have to lie to do it. There are lots and lots of school boards all across the country, but it only takes a small amount of money to mount an effective campaign in each one.

    The Republican M.O. lately has been to create fake controversies in their media, the run against them. This lady proves it - she was elected based on all the objectionable things she thought the school wad teaching, only to land the job and realize none of what she campaigned on was actually true. She at least had enough critical thinking to realize she was being deceived. Most others would double-down on the alternative facts, so they can keep the money coming in.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Absolutely. This is my chief complaint about progressives. Fight and win the small battles first. If you can’t out complete more conservative competitors there, how can you expect to win larger positions, and advance progressive causes?

      I’m aware efforts are being made, I’m only addressing malcontents who do nothing but complain about the lack of progressive presidential candidates and wide, global scale economic changes, but never discuss these lower, but critical bureaucratic postings.