The problem is that the question is trash. It’s too open. Ask something more specific “What music have you been listening to lately?”
Way easier to answer.
My favorite question I was asked recently was “what’s your favorite star?” on account of my username. It’s Albireo! It’s so pretty. Technically two stars but whatever
My favorite question to ask people is “what is something that you learned recently that you, personally, yourself, find interesting”, but I always find it disappointing when people, rather than divulge their special interest, hobby, or skill set, will flounder and ask what I’m interested in. I put all them leading “looking for your personality” words in and all and nope.
My dude that’s not what I asked. I want to know what makes you tick, what you find interesting, not what you think makes me tick, you don’t know me; everything makes me tick if it’s presented well.
One dude told me all about the trash bag making machine he helped design and actively maintained, and it was a great chat. Pulling teeth to get him to open up but once he did he was so proud of himself it was great!
ETA: So, tell me about a thing you learned recently that you find interesting. (Seriously, open invite, I’m always down to learn stuff)
Also my second favorite question, which I reserve for professionals I interact with when they are on the job, is “what was the path that got you to your current professional occupation?” Because that’s almost always an interesting story and I’m terrible with small talk.
That’s what i always ask. I find it so strange when people just generalize things like music. I like joji and cannabis corpse, does that help?
Me trying to figure out what the person wants to hear because i am really empty inside and have no clue who I am, what I want, or where I’m going, or even if I’ll ever be able to come to that level of decision making while just going through day after and hoping that eventually it will get better, while at the same time being happy I am miserable because I am a shit person and getting little glimpses of hope and then getting smashed down is my punishment, but that’s a good thing because it means karma is real and bad people are punished.
You good bro?
I’m not bad, and I think that’s better than before.
Hahahaha karma is not real buddy, I’m sorry
Kinda in a wau like if you are bad to others they will be bad to you resulting in some sort of negative experience than if you were kind and treated people right.
I would be a very interesting person to someone who shares all of my hobbies, interests, and political opinions
“Um, I like…um…yeah.”
My barber always askes me if i like video games. And every time i tell him: yes. Then he talks about fifa and call of duty until i’m done. I don’t play these games and don’t even like them abd we might as well talk about recently disvovered deep sea fish.
I like turtles
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“I am a mystery, wrapped in an enigma. Even to myself.”
I’m a meat popsicle