I have been supporting Lemmy recently a lot and made posts about Lemmy that got big reach. Today, sadly the reddit account through which, I moderated a lot of subs and spent time on, comes to an end. The reason was because I spammed according to reddit, but the reality is that they have censored me because I was hurting Reddit.

Asking multiple third-party app devs consider Lemmy + Made the same post here as well

I never thought this would happen, not that I didn’t completely expect it (but maybe not this soon and sudden), after all Reddit is known for censorship, and the fact that Reddit admins have absolute power over this website makes this believable. But part of me, misses that reddit account, it has been special to me, as I’ve spent countless of hours spending my personal time to moderate and improve communities that helped Reddit thrive. I moderated as many subs as over 25, many of them had atleast over 1k people, some as many as 200k if not more.

Before this happened, suspiciously, they banned r/LemmyMigration today early morning,

it remained banned for a few hours and returned back to normal (not weird at all). I thought that was a mistake, as the sub was back to normal unbanned, but it seems like the Reddit admins realized if they banned my sub, that would prove how they censor it, it can work against them. Now, it seems like they have realized that bringing my account down would be more effective, and stop me from possibly sharing how they censored my sub on other subs for example.

It’s a shame, and part of me is sad, everything I worked hard for was taken away by them all of a sudden. I wanted to bring some of my communities here, now everything is gone, and it feels more like starting from scratch (Or discuss with mods I am still in contact with, and get help to bring communities I was planning on bring here, but it certainly makes things harder, not giving up anyways, especially not after this).

BTW I have filled an appeal, but I don’t expect this to be reversed, this was planned by the Reddit admins and all they have to do is ignore my appeal, there is nothing more I can do to get my account back, and they just got rid of someone who was pinpointing some of their biggest flaws and potentially dangering their platform’s dominance in the “aggregation and discussion platforms” market.

A note to all refugees and ex-redditors here, or those who are planning to join Lemmy - See the power a centralized corporation like Reddit holds. With a decentralized alternative like Lemmy, you can host your own instance or join another one if you get censored, with lemmy, we can put more power back in the hands of the people.

I don’t have much else to say, moving on I will have to work with mods left that I do know through external platforms like Discord and try to bring some communities here. I hope this does not happen to any other moderator who have spend countless of hours helping Reddit in-directly like I did, somehow escaping such a suspension.

EDIT: There is some controversy in the comments if I actually spammed, I don’t think I spammed at all, I only made a post on r/ApolloApp, it became a hit so I cross-posted it to other third-party app subs, just so that it can hopefully reach out to the respective developers for them to possibly consider Lemmy in the wake of new reddit API changes.

I was also certainly not the only one mentioning alternatives like Lemmy on the r/Apolloapp or any other third-party app sub, in-fact many people were mentioning alternatives, though I was banned, also my community r/LemmyMigration as mentioned above was called spam (and was temporarily banned, but was weirdly brought back up just to put my account down later today afternoon) when it only had 2 posts today morning. To me, “spam” seems like it is only used as a cover up by Reddit, the real reason is that my posts, just like r/LemmyMigration, was about Lemmy, a competition to Reddit.

Also if it was really spam, as soon as I cross-posted my post from r/apolloapp to the other subs, the mods would have removed it well before they got a lot of attention, why didn’t they?

EDIT 2: A user called @danke has been spreading misinformation about me in the comments:

Just as you did on your newly created reddit alt, you’re painting this lie that you were banned for your tiny no-name subreddit and not for spamming this garbage on 11 different mobile app subreddits in quick succession. It’s truly like clockwork for sitebanned users to lie and omit these massive details.

This is a blatant lie, I mentioned about the cross-posts right IN THIS post: “Asking multiple third-party app devs consider Lemmy + Made the same post here as well

As you can see, I made the post right here and on reddit, i never missed any details.

  • @[email protected]
    211 year ago

    This is another good reason to stop using reddit. The internet used to have millions of active message boards for discussion of numerous topics. Reddit has essentially become one giant message board to rule them all. The world does not need this. Best to help decentralize the internet by promoting alternatives.

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      One of the reason reddit rose from these boards was persistence, boards were all over the place and no sureness if they will stay tomorrow. It seems reddit posts now have the same fate.

  • @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    Just got banned from a meme sub for making a meme about moving to Lemmy… Even tho the sub is participating in the blackout. Go figure.

    • CocoLopez
      31 year ago

      Guess Reddit admins can ban anyone even if they don’t moderate that specific subreddit.

      Many mods are narrow-minded as well. Argentina subreddit was a perfect example.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Have you seen the drama over at r/sysadmin? TBH whether Reddit survives this or not (I’m assuming it will), I’d rather be over here. TBH the smaller user base is actually a plus.

  • @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    Reddit permanently suspended all of my accounts because I said Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a cunt for not retiring when she had the chance. R/politics banned that account, and then a few weeks later I’d forgotten about that incident and commented in another post from a different account. That’s when reddit permabanned all of my accounts.

    I’ve been on reddit since August 2008 when Randal Monroe published this xkcd about it: https://xkcd.com/477/

    Bonus link: https://www.reddit.com/r/xkcd/comments/71v7z/typewriter_xkcd/

    15 fucking years on that site and they ban all my accounts and devices, then third party apps, porn, and who knows what else. Good riddance.

    • nackmack
      01 year ago

      @redditrefugee @Archit bit of a rude word to call her, especially in the US if you’re not from here and your culture is a lot more relaxed on that word. So while it’s gross that they’ve banned you I’m kind of not surprised that kind of language would attract that kind of attention.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Except the mods on Reddit don’t mind at all if you insult conservatives or Republicans with much worse rhetoric. In fact. they encourage it.

    • bruhSoulz
      81 year ago

      i got banned from my fav game’s sub (gta online) for saying fuck islam cus many casino features are unavailable for me, even the -free- daily casino wheel spin… their reasoning was “racism”. im an arab…

  • Scrubbles
    61 year ago

    This is showing that they know about Lemmy, which to a huge corporation like that is huge. It means they’re starting to take it seriously.

    Good. Let them sweat.

    Sorry you had your account taken away because of it. I’ll use my throwaways now to evangelize it.

    • Dessalines
      41 year ago

      They absolutely know about us, probably from a long time ago, but especially in this past week, with lemmy getting posted everywhere.

      • Scrubbles
        51 year ago

        They’ve done an amazing job at burning their community. They think 3rd party apps are only used by super nerds (or at least many of the people I’ve talked to do), but I think they forgot who provides most of the content.

        Well, bots now, but good content usually came from the super nerds

        • Andreas
          1 year ago

          I have a feeling that if you really crunch Reddit’s numbers, the content that provides the most engagement and revenue is NSFW content. Reddit is one of the only large social media websites that allows NSFW and the subreddit system makes it much easier to categorize and find content than Twitter, so there are a massive number of invisible users who do not use the site for anything except NSFW, which is also why it’s specifically targeted in the new API policy. Long-term, technically knowledgeable users who produce high-quality content are not nearly as financially exploitable as the mass of users who use Reddit as a NSFW directory and who have no alternative to migrate to.

          Plus, the majority of active Reddit users are non-technical “normies” who joined Reddit after hearing about it from trends like the GameStop stock. Those users use the official app and have no idea what an API is, so they don’t care and will continue to use Reddit.

        • Dessalines
          21 year ago

          Sometimes I do get a bit doomerist about it. If reddit is to be believed, they claim something like < 20% of people use old.reddit, or mobile apps. That seems incredibly low to me, but I must admit most of the people who I encounter IRL that use reddit don’t know about old reddit, RES, or other apps.

          • Scrubbles
            11 year ago

            Which is why they’ve been waiting, I’m sure they kept the numbers updated to know what critical mass they thought they needed to be able to chop off this part of their userbase. Ignoring that this part was also the ones who are their most dedicated users, there for the longest amount of time.

            • Kichae
              11 year ago

              I think it has more to do with timing on business/IPO decisions. They’ve decided their plan forward, and they’ve decided that they can afford to lose some users.

              I think they’ve also convinced themselves that most people using 3rd party apps or old.reddit will just get in line, because they won’t want to actually leave the platform.

              I wonder how that’ll work out for them.

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            They could be pulling something sneaky here. The vast majority of people lurk, and most people who lurk probably don’t even have accounts. If you haven’t bothered to sign up, you probably haven’t bothered to use the old interface or a third party application. It wouldn’t surprise me if the vast majority of their traffic comes through the standard web interface, even if the stats for user activity paint a different picture.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              Plus a lot of the things they have been doing recently are dark patterns to get the visitor to make an account or even force it. Google a thing not logged in and they will force you to log in.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            These are traffic statistics from r/privatelife from the past 12 months. This is the most favourable scenario for third party Reddit client users.

            The reality is, third party users and old.reddit.com users are a minority and are easiest to ditch for Reddit as a company. And they will no longer care for us, so its best to prioritise our interests just like they are.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Reddit is so damn hypocritical here. They are successful because Digg buried itself doing shit like this. They literally got success as a result of another company doing the speedrun-your-platform-into-oblivion playbook that they are now following themselves. Look in a mirror, idiots, you’ve become exactly that which was the downfall of your competition some 13 years ago.

  • Vaggumon
    51 year ago

    I’ll be delting my 8 year old Reddit Account at the end of the month. I’m moving to Lemmy as my new Reddit.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        Deleted mine I’d had for ~5 years. Been using reddit since 2013, but I’m done with them. I might browse with RedReader if i really need something from the site, but otherwise I’m gonna try to avoid it.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I want to, but I will miss my eternian friends. It’s not often you find a cool group of supportive people randomly like that.

  • lemmyrs
    41 year ago

    I believe I got shadow-banned as well for trying to promote the instance I host, oh well 🤷

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    I was looking for an alternative for a long time. Your posts and sub just offered me an option that was better than any I’d seen before. Kudos, man! I logged out of reddit and don’t see myself going back, honestly.

  • Egypt Urnash
    41 year ago

    hahaha holy shit

    I wonder if “cross-posting about /r/LemmyMigration to a bunch of other subs” triggered an automatic spam filter in a way that a bunch of different people saying “hey have you heard about Lemmy” does not. There’s a certain level of slack I’m willing to cut for people trying to moderate something as huge as Reddit or Twitter or whatever; it’s what happens in the next few days that’s really going to be worth reacting to.

    Good luck with the appeal. <3

    • TheArstaInventorOP
      41 year ago

      Yeah, my appeal has been nothing but ignored, as if it never existed, not even a single reply from them backing their decision.

      • Egypt Urnash
        11 year ago

        That AMA tomorrow with the CEO is gonna be a heck of a thing, that’s for sure.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Reddit has become something resembling an authoritarian gov that punishes for “anti revolutionary thought”

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    “Spam” reeks of weak horseshit justification for reddit’s actions here. Lots of people x-post all sorts of things all the time. They were itching for a legitimate-sounding reason to ban you and they just reached for the first thing they could find using the loosest possible definition.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      It is. Have you seen any of those onlyfans girls Reddit accounts? They post the same photo over 100x per day to all different subs. If you scroll down their profile, you can scroll for a good solid 5 minutes before you reach 7 days ago.

      This isn’t about spam. Spam gets caught in filters. Spammers get shadow banned.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        That explicitly violates the spamming and self promotion rules.

        Meanwhile, reddit admins:


        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          In reality, its whatever causes Reddit to look worse for their upcoming IPO.

          And the real issue here is that this lying and deception is at the root of Reddit’s core values.


          " (Cofounder) Huffman said one other strategy proved crucial to Reddit’s early success, which most people are unaware of: The team submitted a ridiculous amount of content under fake user accounts to give the appearance of popularity. Yes, you read that right. Reddit — a site that values a fair and open democratic process to determine worthy content and police itself — sleeps soundly on a bed of lies. "

          • pitninja
            01 year ago

            Lol thank you for that article. I never knew reddit started out by astroturfing their own site. I’m sure they’d probably stopped doing that by the time I joined, but with that, various leadership/admin scandals in the time since, and now gaslighting third party app devs/users, I’m pretty much done with their shit. I might browse communities that haven’t gone another direction yet, but I don’t think I’m going to contribute anything over there anymore.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              Yeah I had all my accounts permabanned last week myself, including a porn account, 2 camped accounts, and a 10y old occult account. All gone. They also shadowban all from my previous IP.

              I also had a rather public blowout as well previously, about very similar issues. All it takes is a few dozen people to report you and permaban city here you come. And no, you’re not told why either.

              Im done with feeding anything to reddit: including content, comments, or even basic usage/telemetry. I can surf reddiv via cached data via archive.org or google cache.

              (and yes, I could defeat their IP and invasive browser/OS identification. No, I hope they die. edit: they as in reddit, not individuals)

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Yeah. I’m pretty sure I saw some of OP’s posts (it’s what led me to sign up here) and they were helpful. I think the only thing considered spammy is maybe some of the crossposting of the same information, but it was useful information (for me at least).

      I’m not at all surprised Reddit is doing this sort of thing. They’ve been known for this, and the timing was ripe for another one of their trademark iron fist overreaches.