As always, you can read the corresponding document here.

    • FartsWithAnAccent
      4 months ago

      Seriously, a ruling for blanket immunity would be completely insane and effectively doom the peaceful transfer of power in the long run.

    • SuperDuper
      4 months ago

      Why stop there? The conservative majority in the SCOTUS has been a huge headache. Clearly the carrot won’t get republicans in Congress to do their job (see the concession-stuffed border bill they killed), maybe it’s time for Biden to use the stick.

      But the reality is that Democrats would actually hold Biden accountable by impeachment.

  • @[email protected]
    274 months ago

    Can I throw out an unsubstantiated hot take? SCOTUS will provide cover for themselves to the conservatives by delaying trump’s trial but ultimately will have to come to reality of the epic fucking disaster that would be by issuing judgment in favor of blanket immunity for presidents. Total speculation.

    • @[email protected]
      134 months ago

      Delaying it until it’s no longer of consequence is the whole plan. From denying the fast track appeal earlier to mulling over whether a separate federal court case is needed before states act on his ballot access, it’s all working to remove the law as a remedy. They may not make the absolutely mind-bogglingly insane ruling of immunity, but they’ll stall it long enough, and stall all the other cases waiting for this ruling, they can get the result they want anyway as it becomes “too close to the election”.

      The corrupt court is responsible for this scheme, but don’t forget that Merrick Garland waited a whole two years to even appoint a special prosecutor. He could have set Smith loose on day one and we wouldn’t be in this bind. Remember how the Mueller report said the only thing keeping him from being charged was that he was currently the president? Cool how that just disappeared.

  • kn0wmad1c
    194 months ago

    The fact that they didn’t immediately dismiss this is of concern.