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At the upcoming SXSW Conference… Honda will give attendees a chance to try out a new mobility device… specifically designed for mixed reality entertainment experiences.

Users can steer… without the use of their hands — they simply have to lean into one direction to move forwards, backwards, sideways or diagonally.

Wall-e humans in mobile chairs with AR

  • @[email protected]
    164 months ago

    Ye gods. Thank you for including that gif of Wall-e. That was the first thing that came to mind

  • @[email protected]
    44 months ago

    would be great for people who need a mobility device. would be awful to see used by every theme park attendee

  • @[email protected]
    14 months ago

    So as someone who uses an electric wheelchair for distances, this looks like a NIGHTMARE.

    There is no back support to speak of, so you’ll be in pain in 20 minutes.

    You steer by shifting your weight, so if you move because you’re stiffening up, you’ll send the chair off course.

    The little caster wheels on the bottom will get stuck on every rock, pebble, texture change, and pavement imperfection.

    They might want to partner with people who actually NEED AND USE chairs on a daily basis.