• @[email protected]
    164 months ago

    I thought it was way funnier if they all turned to Worf and he’s like, “It wasn’t my fault.” So everyone is going, “What the hell happened?” That’s way more fun. Somebody can tell that story some day about what happened with Worf and the Enterprise-E but it’s more fun to imagine yourself all the possibilities.

    This used to be the only way to create immersion on a budget, and while I appreciate that a lot of franchises are exploring interesting teases, the pendulum has definitely swung too far the other way. A little mystery can be nice, but good luck selling completionist fans on that.

      • @[email protected]
        64 months ago

        Yeah, I agree with you. I could have phrased my original comment more clearly, as I guess either method could be considered to be doing the same thing. I start to feel like every actual bit of lore that is specifically mentioned these days is really a backdoor pilot and certainly creates an opportunity for fans to complain about not seeing THAT story. The joke makes it a little more obvious that they’re not planning anything specific, but still hints at adventures and shared experiences among the characters.

  • Admiral Patrick
    74 months ago

    Reading that made me wish Picard S3 was two seasons long (not that I didn’t already). All of those scrapped ideas would have been amazing (if expensive lol).

    • Value SubtractedOPM
      84 months ago

      I’m not a fan of the season, but some more time to let things breathe would have been welcome.

      • Admiral Patrick
        114 months ago

        Agree on it needing breathing room, but I’ve also reluctantly accepted that’s just what we get nowadays with everything becoming so hyper-serialized and each season being a 10 hour movie. I don’t mind that trend too much when the story is good, but it does make me miss the longer seasons that could give you a few lighter / “filler” episodes to catch your breath. That critique is not just for Trek but a lot of other shows developed for streaming as well.

        That said, I really do enjoy SNW being more episodic.

    • theinspectorst
      44 months ago

      last couple of Picard seasons

      I mean, that’s a pretty astonishing statement to throw out there, grouping together probably the worst single season of Star Trek with one of the best…

      • Handles
        94 months ago

        Look, I loved seeing the reconstructed TNG Enterprise as much as anybody — but the season 3 story shoehorned the old crew into a bizarre fanfic about Picard’s secret Jedi son, and butchered their characters so they could deliver oneliners that only superficially recalled the originals.

        Nope, for all its nostalgia baiting that might have been handled okay-ish, Picard s3 is hardly among the best Trek seasons. It’s not even among the best of that series’ run.

        • Deebster
          74 months ago

          For me, the level of fan service and nostalgia was almost uncomfortable - we’ve got Lower Decks for that kind of stuff!

          • Handles
            44 months ago

            Yeah, and SNW leans heavily in the same direction IMO. Maybe it’s just producers circling the wagons to keep the fans happy — maybe at some point I’ll realise they hit the zeitgeist in a way I can’t decipher right now — but I feel like they’re flattening legacy characters for gimmicks and jokes.

            I hope eventually somebody gets a Trek series on the air that’s just a solid space exploration show without too heavy ties to past Trek.

            • Deebster
              4 months ago

              I hope the Orville manages to get a fourth season, that often felt like the most Trek of all of what was airing.