• @[email protected]
    786 months ago

    Not to brag, but, with a little bit of trainig, I think I can easily win against a trout, as long as the fight is not in the water. But we’re only talking hypotheticaly, of course. It would only come to that if the trout picks up the fight first and we don’t manage to resolve our issue with healthy communication… I’m not a monster.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      How about this… We split the difference and go out for some pescaito frito. 🔪🐟🍴

      • @[email protected]
        306 months ago

        I’m not huge or athletic but I probably weigh, like, twice as much as a goose. I get that they’re incredibly pissy and they have teeth and pointy bits, but I’m still betting on me.

        • @[email protected]
          366 months ago

          Our battle will be legendary. I may lose my life but I am bringing down the bastard with me.

        • @[email protected]
          76 months ago

          I grew up near geese. You will not win without just straight up killing it. And you will be more hurt than you could believe.

          • @Zink
            76 months ago

            In this context I think we have to assume life or death tactics by both combatants.

            But that’s an important distinction because MOST of the time we deal with pissed off animals that we don’t want to hurt, much less kill. So that gives some animals a big advantage in real world encounters. Maybe most adults could kill a goose if they had to, but in real life 99% of adults are going to back off or run away rather than deal with a fucking goose!

      • @[email protected]
        266 months ago

        Punt to the chest. Bird bones are papier mâché. Never get in a fist fight with a goose, their wings will break your arms. Definitely don’t try and snap its spindly little neck. Just kick it in the chest

        • BlanketsWithSmallpox
          106 months ago

          Maybe if you have little bird bitch arms.

          Me? I’m nothing but arms. With all the typing and masturbation I do, I’m nothing but them.

          Me: 💪🧠 🤳

    • @[email protected]
      86 months ago

      Me too i don’t know why internet strangers are afraid of them that much, unless you can’t use any type of weapon i guess

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    A snake.

    Because I’m Australian and grew up in the country, I was taught how to take them down with a sharpened shovel when I was five. Coincidentally, I got my first one a few months later in the garage when it rushed out of a tarpaulin toward me and I shoveled the head off, just like mum taught me. Common brown too (a.k.a Eastern Brown, but they’re everywhere. One of the most venomous snakes in the world).

    My next one was a red-belly black snake that rushed out of a log. I used a mallet to crush the head and was 6. Also one of the venomous snakes in the world. We have most of them here.

    Always go straight for the head with distance and speed.

    It may sound cruel to not try scare them into an area and call someone for removal, but they’re just too dangerous. And if it’s there, it’s made territory there, so if you lose it it will definitely show up again. Most are aggressive, so you need to take the chance when you’ve got it because it’s simply more dangerous not to and come off second best next time.

    It’s also common to deal with pythons, getting one sunbaking off the road or out of the house if it overstepped it’s boundaries. We like those ones though and definitely don’t hurt them, especially if they make home in the roof or under the house. They keep the possums and mice away, therefore the venomous ground snakes away. Roof python is snek bro and a very welcome guest. It’s sad when you notice one’s probably moved out :(

    • @[email protected]
      196 months ago

      After reading about you (justly) killing snakes, I’m very glad I got to learn about roof pythons.

      I think someine I know set a garter snake on fire once- that’s about as much as I’ve interacted with them, anyway.

    • BarqsHasBite
      86 months ago

      So you just walk around all the time with a sharpened shovel?

      • @[email protected]
        36 months ago

        Not in my current house which is more in a city area, but I am about to move back into more bushland so, yeah. A sharpened shovel for the yard and garage. But with this new property, I should really only need to cover any gaps under the fencing with chicken wire and the grass beyond in the bush doesn’t get too tall. Need to do that for fires anyway.

    • @noli
      16 months ago

      I want a roof python now

    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      Are redbellies particularly dangerous? I’ve never heard of someone dying from one.

      We had some living in the bush near where we used to play. They never bothered us at all, cowardly little ones.

      I almost stepped on a young brown snake once when I was stoned, that was fun. Nothing sobers you up like the adrenaline your body puts out when you nearly got yourself killed. I was not anywhere where I could get medical attention in time.

      Brown snakes are grumpy fuckers, they chase where most let you leave. Not a fan.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        Redbellies are only aggressive if threatened, unlike the browns that gets territorial and will go you. Redbellies aren’t lethal as far as I know, but they’ll mess up the body bad, especially a kid; necrosis from clotting, nerve damage, huge swelling, etc. Also definitely depends on the bite. Used to be friends with a snake handler who got bit by a coastal taipan and got anti-venom within the hour, but ended up being a dry bite (or mostly) anyway.

        The one I hit with the mallet had just been knicked by the neighbour’s chainsaw cutting up the log out of a huge fallen tree. I had the mallet because I was doing my kid best to hit steel wedges in to help split the wood off. Suddenly, very pissed off snake going toward me fast.

  • @[email protected]
    396 months ago

    I can fight a blue whale. The whale would fail to perceive me as a threat, and so when it wanders away I win by default.

    • @[email protected]
      226 months ago

      It’s been a long time since I got the old ‘your opponent walked away… YOU WIN’ Victory screen

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      There was an administrative mix up. They put an Orca in the arena.

      It knows humans killed it’s brother.

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        Wild Orcas don’t prey on humans, but if we’re ignoring that fact I’d need a decent weapon.

      • @[email protected]
        16 months ago

        Mr. Whiskers was quite accomplished in his fields of expertise at the time, namely napping, prowling, and scrapping.

    • @[email protected]
      66 months ago

      I have seen a grown man tackle a cat which had been running around a walmart backroom for weeks. It wasn’t pretty for the guy.

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    I grew up in rural Canada. A guy I knew was drunk in the woods with friends and tried to ride a young deer that came up to them(the deer got used to people in that area feeding them, something that is not recommended) annnnnnd it beat the shit out of him and his 6 friends. He got a bad concussion and lost sight in one of his eyes.

    Don’t fuck with animals. They are built different.

    • @[email protected]
      96 months ago

      The difference is literally life and death.

      Animals are always on the bubble of life or death. Always. Everything is always about to kill/eat them, or something they might be able to kill/eat, so it’s a mix of curiosity and fear.

      When that deer beat the shit out of your friend and his buddies, it was a life or death thing the deer was contending with thinking it was about to be killed and eaten, so nothing’s off the table to get out of that situation.

      Meanwhile, your buddy and his friends were drunk and doing it for the lulz.

      Deer will always win with those stakes.

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        That’s kinda the same reasoning I am more scared to fight homeless people than any other rando. Those people don’t have anything to lose. If they are in the moment and want to fight you, then all bets are off.

      • Patapon Enjoyer
        16 months ago

        Meanwhile, your buddy and his friends were drunk and doing it for the lulz.

        Deer will always win with those stakes.

        Tell that to all the drunk hunters out there

      • @Zink
        16 months ago


      • partial_accumen
        6 months ago

        “You are, but have your years of playing Call of Duty on the Xbox imbibed you with the required physical stamina and animal tracking skills of your Paleolithic ancestors? Remember, the question is what animal can you take down, not your species, you.”

        • @[email protected]
          66 months ago

          I can defeat the world’s most dangerous apex predator in unarmed one on one combat. The human. It’s me, I would defeat myself, I would die trying to fight off any animal in this thread.

    • partial_accumen
      66 months ago

      “Your tribe? I’ve seen your tribe. There’s the guy that after years still won’t shut up about how the final goal in the finals should have been counted. The one that unsuccessfully tries to cover up his noxious farts by loudly yelling ‘What time is it?!’. Then there’s the one that was convicted of a minor felony and none of you will tell me what the crime was and you try to change the subject, but you refuse to ever go bowling with him again. Lastly there’s the one that looks and acts fairly normal, but is very reserved. Honestly he could do better than you guys and I’m not sure why he continues to put up with you all. He’s the only one of all of you I’ve ever heard utter the words ‘Thank you’ for anything, but even then he was talking to the cat. Yeah, I’ve seen your tribe. I think the animals are pretty safe from you all.”

  • @[email protected]
    246 months ago

    Shark, as long as we are on land. I’d just outrun him then call coup by hitting him with a stick while he’s gasping for air. I guess at that point I could take on a blue whale, but that would just make me feel like a dick. I’ll stick with the shark. Any shark, any time, 1.5 miles inland.

  • @[email protected]
    246 months ago

    When my father was younger he devised a plan to drop down out of a tree onto the back of a deer and take it down with a knife. He said it beat the shit out of him with its antlers. So I think I could take down a doe, a deer, a female dear.

      • @[email protected]
        86 months ago

        Dough, some cash, a wad of cash

        Ray, a guy who fixes cars

        Me, the one who takes out the trash

        Fa, the distance to the stars

        So, a word that goes with well

        LA, a city where we dwell

        Tea, with honey it tastes swell

        And that brings us back to dough!

        (Credit: Animaniacs)

      • @Zink
        106 months ago

        Yeah but we Americans get to use as many guns as we can carry on our person.

        I guess +guns and -healthcare makes us the glass cannons of the man vs beast challenge!

          • @Zink
            26 months ago

            That’s the cannon half of glass cannon. :D

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            And what if animals have guns + gun training? :D

            I don’t mean necessarily like monkeys, I’m envisioning cephalopods with 8 guns. Or a tiny invertebrate with satellite weapon targeting systems.

            • Flying SquidM
              26 months ago

              We don’t need guns. We’re developing all sorts of new weaponized ways of using our ink.

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          … just realized … what if you give the animal/animals +guns & +healthcare, just for fun … ?

          I’m imagining a chicken sitting on the button of a chain gun giving you the sideways stink eye (classic birb tbh).

      • @[email protected]
        96 months ago

        Lul, imagine thinking you won a fight, but after a while realising the great tit you wrestled with made you go bankrupt & now you have to pay loan interest for the rest of your life.