Lights on boat began to flicker before incident, suggesting some sort of power failure. Steering a full size car without power steering is possible, but spoiler, steering a huge container ship ain’t.
Someone commented that exhaust increased noticably as well, possibly because pilot put ship in reverse after losing power (with prop walk veering the ship into the support).
All just people talking on the Internet at present, but “asleep at the wheel” isn’t necessarily what happened.
Lights on boat began to flicker before incident, suggesting some sort of power failure. Steering a full size car without power steering is possible, but spoiler, steering a huge container ship ain’t.
Someone commented that exhaust increased noticably as well, possibly because pilot put ship in reverse after losing power (with prop walk veering the ship into the support).
All just people talking on the Internet at present, but “asleep at the wheel” isn’t necessarily what happened.
Given how “easily” the bridge fell… Why aren’t ships that size required to 100% be escorted by tugs???
Cause then we would have to hire more people to tug all those ships in and it would be less efficient.
Not very profit margin of you to suggest that.
What’s the profit margin of the port with the river blocked? And of the city with a major road cut?
The shareholders want their returns NOW!
Decades of stability pales in comparison to next quarters margins
The company is about to find out that a quarter of high margins pales in comparison to the lawsuits awaiting them.
“More tug jobs? Not on my watch!”
And money.
“Why do I need to pay for your safety”
This’ll be the real reason.
My comment was just unhelpful and inappropriate - a bad joke aimed at puritanical Americans.
I actually don’t disagree with anything you said. I don’t think you should feel bad (unless the comment is edited and I’m misunderstanding)
They likely were, but there are limits on how fast even a group of tugs can influence a ship many times their size/weight/mass.
The laws of physics still apply.