Welcome to Welcoming Wednesday! This is a day all about helping new people in the community get started.

If you’re new feel free to post questions, post things that you’re struggling with, or introduce yourself to the community! If you’re not new feel free to post resources to help newcomers.

  • @msage
    21 year ago

    How do you create or get assets for your first game? I do mostly web, tried some basic stuff around one game written in JS. Have no idea what to expect here.

    • AtegonMA
      1 year ago

      For getting assets itch.io tends to have a bunch of 2d ones https://itch.io/game-assets

      For making 3d assets blender tends to be commonly used and for making 2d theres aseprite for pixel art, gimp for image manipulation, krita for traditional art, and inkscape for vector art (all of those free except aseprite)