Simple steps to take before hitting the streets

    6 months ago

    Layer one: “front line”: folks should be acting on passive listen/pushed information from folks far back that will not get kettled or trapped. Media they collect should be Livestreamed for safe storage… But they should be focused on non violent protest, emit the protest message and find/eject bad actors. Equipment should be “burner” quality, wiped and purpose setup with the expectation of seizure.

    Layer 2: “observe, document, report”: folks should be using encrypted apps to communicate, and should intend to not be arrested, and to collect as much quality content as possible. These folks should be ready to be arrested, but avoid as possible.

    Layer 3: “coordinate”: these folks should be digesting all possible data about risks, police activity, lawful orders, movements, etc. They should be feeding information about proper actions. They should use encrypted tools but plan to avoid arrest.

    This is all hypothetical.