• @[email protected]
    221 month ago

    No he won’t - there’s no water on that island, for one thing… The new guy is dead meat, he just doesn’t realize that yet.

  • @[email protected]
    201 month ago

    The guy has a stick and is protecting the tree so he is actually doing him a huge favor by allowing him to work for a coconut. Working is a win win here.

    The alternative is the guy gets no coconut and has nothing to do.

  • @[email protected]
    81 month ago

    In real scenario there’s no need to protect the tree. the tie guy can simply enslave the other one. If he’s got the lethal force, the tie guy can beat the shirt guy into any level of subjugation ie get virtually any slave service with no exchange whatsoever

    Subsequently, there’s no need for a stick, simply convincingly manifesting the control of situation could be function as an equivalent of lethal force. In short, conning people that you have power or having real power looks identical to subjects

    In that case, mentality that you have no power over the situation, makes it real

    • @tyler
      51 month ago

      In a real scenario that coconut is a much better weapon than the stick. Driftwood isn’t strong at all. And in a real scenario there’s absolutely no way you’d be able to enslave someone because you have to sleep at some point, so whomever is the slave will just kill the slaver as soon as they go to sleep.

  • @GarlicToast
    41 month ago

    Eating many coconuts will cause diarrhea.

    Agree to terms, climb tree, pick a nut. Change terms by tossing the nut on the head of the wannabe job creator.

    Eat the nut with fresh meat on the side. Die from dehydration.

  • @[email protected]
    21 month ago

    Take stick, beat guy to death, then you have food and water from the coconuts! So you get to live a little longer before dying of dehydration.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      They do great when they cherry pick someone with no media training who is the easiest target they can find, someone so socially inept they thought going on Fox fucking News without any support was a good idea.

      You’d be great at beating up a toddler in a dark alley if you really wanted to, but that wouldn’t make you a good fighter, it would make you a predator.

      Make the arguments yourself if you think they’re so great, what you linked is just bullies ganging up on someone. There aren’t really arguments to be seen at all.

      • @[email protected]
        -91 month ago

        That person was a founding mod at r/antiwork

        This is your field marshal you’re talking about.

          • @[email protected]
            51 month ago

            These people can’t imagine a world without authoritarian rulers. That’s why they love work so much - they get to be bossed around by little dictators all day and never have to think for themselves. It’s much more comfortable for them.