Apparently there is a F35 Key within xkbcommon.

I know about F1-24 where the upper level was accessible by holding down a modifier key; So how are keys beyond this issued via a keyboard (my keyboard is qwerty, de_DE if of interest)?

And… why the fuck was it a good idea to expand the function keys beyond 24?

    • @[email protected]OP
      21 month ago

      Pardon me but searching for “binding external (control) surface” does not result in any handle for me.

      Either google or bing (& derivates) doesn’t prompt any occurance of F24+. Would it be possible for you to share any search result from your matching results so that I can familiarize myself with the -to me unknown- topic, please?

      Otherwise I appreciate trying to recall, Sir/Madame!

      • @[email protected]
        31 month ago

        Sorry, unfortunately I don’t have any of these devices myself so I don’t have any references on hand. All I’m finding right now is F1-F24. It’s possible I was reading about arduino code or midi interfaces for controling a DAW.

        I’ve recently been looking at custom control interfaces for theater props and building automation systems.

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 month ago


      I’m coming from a similar direction… Spotted those. If they would have been easily accessible I would have used them as defaults for a certain functionality. Your link and reply implies that such keys need to be physicallz available!

      Thank you for your confimation. An note that in GTK+ programs you could use them for your shortcuts!