And yes you have to spend it all

Edit: There are a lot of little good things in these answers that I often ignore. Thanks everyone.

    9 months ago

    Herps herps herps!!

    Yeah, he’s a silkback. Less of a “morph” and more of a genetic nightmare. Definitely would never recommend to anyone who doesn’t have a ton of time & money to spend caring for them, + extensive experience with bearded dragon care. A leatherback is the best option of you’re looking for a bit of a smoother dragon!

    Revy is adorable!! What breed & morph is she?

    • Python
      9 months ago

      Whoa, that sounds exhausting haha! Do they need like, moisturizer to help them shed? :o

      Revy is a Ball Python, her morphs are Black Pastel, Lesser and GHI (maybe also Confusion and maybe het Clown, the breeder wasn’t sure). Surprisingly, the cool stripe isn’t from something like the Genetic Stripe morph, just a weird effect from the combination of her 3 morphs. Her mom (also BP, Lesser and GHI) actually looks super similar, but has random breaks in the stripe, so Revy just got lucky I guess!