Oh it’s ON, baby!!

Nah, it’s mainly just a silly goof-con, in which case almost every sci-fi series one might possibly imagine has plainly borrowed from earlier ones in one way or another. At least, I THINK so.

That said, I seem to recall Mézières being pretty upset about this at some point. In any case, he passed on a couple years ago, so hmm…

EDIT: Whoops, pardon. This specifically appeared in the annex of the Cinebook edition of v2, The Empire of a Thousand Planets. There was a text accompaniment that I could post, if necessary. It was pretty rubbish, frankly.

  • Deebster
    3 months ago

    If I remember correctly, in Light & Magic they talk about how they came up with the design of the M.Falcon (and George Lucas wasn’t much involved). In fact, let me check… Ah ha:

    Johnston was also tasked with redesigning the Falcon when the original design was deemed too similar to another ship on television. Under pressure and mentally blocked, Johnston was sitting in the kitchen when he spotted plates on the counter. He imagined sandwiching two together like hamburger buns to create a saucer-like ship. The Millennium Falcon started to take shape.

    The carbonite thing feels like more of a straightforward copy, though.