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A California police department wants to be the first agency to have a law enforcement-branded Cybertruck, according to an internal email obtained by 404 Media.

The email Sergeant Jacob Gallacher, of the Anaheim Police Department, sent in early February read “P.S. I spoke with the Chief yesterday and we still want to be the first police agency to have a Cybertruck. If anyone can make that happen, I know it is you!” Gallacher sent the email to James Hedland from UP.FIT, a company that sells modified Teslas for use by law enforcement. The email was part of a conversation about the department’s use of Teslas.

Gallacher later told 404 Media that the email was something of “a joke,” but reaffirmed the agency’s wish to obtain a Cybertruck before other agencies, even if more for “community engagement” than using it as a patrol vehicle.

“We would, but it’s not necessarily from a patrol perspective,” Gallacher said. 404 Media obtained the email through a public records request.

  • DominusOfMegadeus
    2 months ago

    Yes, we need the least functional, least capable, most failure prone, most brutalist vehicle possible. For community engagement.

    EDIT: Also the most dangerous to both occupants and especially pedestrians.

      • @[email protected]
        62 months ago

        You’re talking as if they were ever able to graduate elementary school. The last time I saw police near an elementary school they were too scared to go in

    • @[email protected]
      242 months ago

      community engagement

      OK, I’ll argue for the cops on this one. Just this once!

      Community engagement is a real thing, gets people talking to cops who otherwise wouldn’t. And that can be a positive experience all around.

      For example; The Tulsa cops had a bitchin’ (my 80s coming out) Corvette Stingray they showed off at the fair and every other chance they had. They had quite an audience gathered around, talking about the car at first and then asking questions about LE.

      Idea being, it’s not supposed to be a regular cruiser.

      • @[email protected]
        122 months ago

        At least Stingrays look good, I don’t think anyone’s gonna be crowding around a cybertruck asking about it’s specs

        • @[email protected]
          122 months ago

          The YouTube channel Throttle House did a road trip with the cybertruck and they found that a lot of people actually were curious about it.

 (around 24:15)

          For all it’s flaws, you can’t deny it looks different from all the other cars around, and most people aren’t online enough to have an opinion about Musk and his bullshit, so to them it’s just an interesting looking car.

          • Todd Bonzalez
            42 months ago

            a lot of people actually were curious about it.

            I mean, sure, if a Cybertruck parked next to me somewhere, I’d probably take a close look and talk to the owner if they were around. I’m curious as much as anyone.

            I don’t have high expectations, and I’m not interested in owning one, but I’d still check it out.

            But that’s just because these cars are rare and novel. If anything, the questions I’d ask would be tilted towards figuring out just how shitty a car it is.

            If the police are roaming around in them, they become less novel, and generally speaking people aren’t usually interested in approaching random cops for conversations. People who socialize around cars usually aren’t a big fan of the cops.

            most people aren’t online enough to have an opinion about Musk and his bullshit

            I don’t understand this point. Not only does Elon Musk’s bullshit appear regularly on boomer tv stations, but you don’t have to be very online to get exhausted with Musk content. It’s not exactly niche content, he owns Twitter and is constantly attracting media attention with dumb stunts. You have to go out of your way to avoid hearing about him.

            to them it’s just an interesting looking car.

            Anyone interested enough in cars to be influenced by what kind of car the cops drive, is someone likely informed enough to know that the Cybertruck is a misengineered lemon of a car.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          To car people. To other people it can be a “generic fancy car”, while the Cybertruck can be something unusual that no other car looks alike. Can’t get everyone.

      • Todd Bonzalez
        2 months ago

        Buddy, every police department with a flashy sports car has the same story.

        Let me know how many facts I get right about it:

        1. You learned about it as a teenager because the police came to your school to show it off.
        2. You lived in a mostly white suburban town.
        3. The car had anti-drug messages on it.
        4. The car was confiscated from a drug dealer, and transferred to the police department through civil asset forfeiture.
        5. The “drug dealer” was a Black man who was caught with some arbitrary amount of weed that forces baseless “intent to distribute” charges.
      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        Ok. They could put police lights on a weiner mobile too. That would get a ton of community engagement. But for some reason I can’t put my finger on, they have chosen a very expensive tiny dick toy instead.

    • Todd Bonzalez
      102 months ago

      I actually love brutalist architecture, but the Cybertruck is fucking nasty.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        Yeah, brutalist and brutal are different. The cyber truck is a fucking stupid design that will hurt people far more than most vehicles (big dumb truck hoods not withstanding).

        They aren’t even going to be able to sell them anywhere that has reasonable pedestrian safety laws. CA needs to pass some and kill the fucking thing, not give them to cops who already want to kill anyone who makes them nervous.

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago

      You’re forgetting the most important part of the Cybertruck for those in the club: danger to pedestrians and non-Cybertruck civilians.

  • @[email protected]
    562 months ago

    These the same kind of cops that vote solidly republican because they “hate government waste”?

  • @[email protected]
    272 months ago

    I’ve always thought these looked like they belong in a science-fiction b-movie. With the blue paint and police lights on top, they really look like they’re from a RoboCop knock-off film.

    • Flying Squid
      122 months ago

      I keep saying it looks like a fiberglass shell over an El Camino in an 80s post-apocalyptic film.

      Then I found out about the movie Battletruck.

      I almost think Elon is a fan…

  • @[email protected]
    232 months ago

    The kind of person who actually wants a Cybertruck is definitely the kind of person who would be interesting in being a dickhead cop.

  • @[email protected]
    212 months ago

    It doesn’t surprise me that cops want something that is ugly and tacky and completely unnecessary. And they’ll use a shit ton of taxpayer money to get it too.

  • @[email protected]
    202 months ago

    Part of being the police is advertising that there are police here, as a deterrent. This works well for that.

    But another part is having fast, reliable vehicles able to out maneuver other cars on the road, to stop criminals after the fact. Not so good at that part.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Eh chases aren’t that common. Most of the time police won’t pursue because it puts the public in more danger. Especially populated areas.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        Sort of. EVs are very fast off the line, but generally very heavy. It might be good for handing out speeding tickets on a freeway, but a pursuit on surface streets would probably not go as well.

        It’s also a fairly tall EV. I bet if you slid into a curb or something, it’ll roll like Peppy Hare.

        Assuming the thing worked as advertised and they get a VERY steep discount, it might be a good idea?

  • The Snark Urge
    102 months ago

    I still think fondly on the time I saw a burning cop car during the BLM protests. That was a good day; Grateful for the promise of more to come.

      • The Snark Urge
        92 months ago

        Amazing how good they are at solving crimes when they really apply themselves. Wouldn’t it be wild if they did that for us?

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          We aren’t part of the owning class, police will never care about the working class in this system.

  • @MagicShel
    102 months ago

    Imagine the fingers that will be lost in the trunk and the heads that will be smacked into the steel roof until it just looks like the top of the doors are painted red.

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      When people lose random limbs, they can argue the person tried to resist the arrestment and got in between the moving parts. It totally wasn’t on purpose.

      • @MagicShel
        32 months ago

        That is exactly my expectation. Put their hands on the trunk while they frisk them, “accidentally” hit the trunk close button, then either the person loses fingers or gets shot for resisting arrest when they move them out of the way.