I presume is publishing official things.
I counted 13 pages between 2017 and 2019, and only 10 pages between 2020 and 2024.
I don’t get US term dates, so I figured giving the benefit of the doubt against the current president was a safe bet. Hence 2 years under trump and 4 years under biden.
Not all pages have the same amount of sanction, ranging from 6 to 9. However quick checks show 2017 to 2019 having more 8 or 9 sanctions per page, with 2020 to 2024 having more 7 sanctions per page.
The sensible thing would be to count them, but I CBA. 3 extra pages and potentially 2 less years makes it pretty clear cut to me that Trump had more sanctions. Not worth wasting more effort on this pish.
Less sanctions under Biden than Trump.
^Willing to be corrected from an actual analysis/source. Especially if my napkin/skim maths from the source I gave is off^