Hi everyone, I’m new to working out. I’ve mostly been walking and rowing. On Monday I incorporated body weight strength training, which included squats and lunges. Today is now Wednesday and I’m feeling the pain in my legs. How do I recover from this? Should I stick to my routine or take it easy today? I do warm up/warm down, stretch and eat protein heavy foods btw. I also really want to keep going as it helps my mental health. TIA.

  • zcd@lemmy.ca
    8 个月前

    You can still work out if it’s just DOMS and not a developing injury. I suggest easing into the routine, as time goes on and you start getting into shape DOMS will be less of an issue. Then you can start to push yourself. In the beginning take it a little bit easy, make sure you don’t get hurt, make sure you build that habit and you’ll definitely be able to stick with the new routine.

    I feel like a lot of people burn out in a blaze of glory at the beginning because they are so ambitious. So definitely try to be gentle on yourself for the time being