Many people are saying it.
I’m hearing…many people…many of the top people who know about these things…are saying…very strongly…so I don’t know, but we’ll be looking into it very soon.
Accurate hand size
And color.
and he hasn’t denied it
The best people.
Hooooooly shit this is a good one
“Honestly one of the dirtiest things-”
What? He doesn’t pay very good attention to politics, you can’t blame him!
We’re truly living through peak politics. This made me ugly snort like the guy in this video:
In my experience, bullies are quite fragile and easy to break. All bark.
“sToP bEiNg MeAn!!!”
-the party of “fuck your feelings” who calls everyone snowflakes
The only time I ever shut up my bitch of a mother bout politics was shortly after Obama won and she was complaining about something stupid.
"What happened to, ‘It’s un-American to complain about the Commander-in-Chief?’ "
“You complained about Bush all the time!”
“Because I believe it’s my civic responsibility to hold my leaders accountable. But you said over and over that was wrong. Did you change your mind, or is it only un-American to criticize the president you like?”
She was (probably still is) a malignant narcissist, so I paid for that, but the satisfaction of seeing her grasp for straws was worth it.
She was (probably still is) a malignant narcissist, so I paid for that, but the satisfaction of seeing her grasp for straws was worth it.
My condolences for your pain, and my respect for your courage
It was 20 years ago so- to whoever needs to hear this- the road to healing is a long one, and sometimes it feels like you’re not moving at all, but time will take you where you want to be. Just keep at it, work on your behaviors, learn how to clean up your thoughts, and you’ll get there.
Their crocodile tears just make them look more like the children they detest every day.
Sidenote: the phrase “your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer” is getting overused, but like… It’s just so fitting how can you not use it.
The first I heard that quote was from Rick and Morty. Does it have an older origin or did a Rick and Morty quote actually stick in the cultural zeitgeist I wonder?
That is its origin:
I’d say “let’s go, in and out, 20 minute adventure” is also pretty useful
… Somebody needs to take this image and make it the background for a JD Vance Linux distro. That shit would be even more of a meme than Hannah Montana
I’m stealing this. I’ve been posting a JD couch or dolphin meme on my Mastodon every day and plan on continuing to do so for the foreseeable future. This is definitely going into the queue.
I have to make a confession, my brain immediately parsed this image as a Linus tech tips thumbnail.
Remember the terrorist fist jab? The tan suit fiasco. Obamacare death panels. The pedophile Pizza gate conspiracy?
And they’re upset about being called weird couch lovers?
Hey, I love couches, they fuck them.
Matt Walsh: “This is honestly one of the dirtest things I’ve ever seen in politics”
Also Matt Walsh: Insert the movie Lady Ballers here
“Now watch as I abuse my pregnant wife because I’m a 30-something babydick”
Didn’t they buy the platform just so misinformation could be spread on it freely?
Nah, Elon was clearly trying to pull a pump and dump. However the feds had been monitoring his propensity to buy a bunch of stock, announce buying a controlling amount, then sell the stock he had, when the line went up, due to his announcement. This time the SEC filed suit and he was forced to go through with the purchase, under the contract they had, because this time he crossed the line into federal prison behavior.
Once he had to spend 44 billion on it, he had to do something with it. He had no idea how twitter actually worked, how it really made its money, or why the moderation was the way it was. So he ran in like a bulldozer, fucking around the the corporate structure, in hopes the excitement of change would make line go back up, and he could sell without losing all 44 billion. This didn’t work, he turned it into a shit show, and his narcissism drives him double down, and do things specifically because the public at large hates it, out of spite. However his C levels, and investor’s board, are also forcing him to make the place profitable again, lest they make a large legal case against him.
So here we are.
Thoughts and prayers for couch fucker vance and convicted felon trump
Sending TikTok thots and playas.
Hey, hey, hey. The thots and playas can stay with the rest of us thankyouverymuch
I apologize. I thought it would be okay to limit it to the TikTok ones.
Thoughts and prayers for the couch molester.
deleted by creator
Sidenote: I hate when people refer to women by their first names and men by their lasts. Would it be so difficult to call it the Harris campaign?
They think Kamala sounds foreign enough to make the racists mad.
See also “Barack HUSSEIN Obama.” Which Trump uses regularly on his dumb website.
Actually it would because their whole thing is that a brown woman is undeserving of that respect. She needs to be a Proper Minority Woman - pumping out babies (but not too many, as to not out-reproduce white 'Muricans) and being exploited by corporations while supporting her White Alpha Male
cuckhusband.If that’s why people refer to politicians by first name, why does everyone say Bernie instead of Sanders? Or Teddy instead of Roosevelt?
I think the rule is that you get first name treatment if you’re further left than a neoliberal, or if you have a more famous relative.
I think it’s about if your first name is cooler than your last.
Politicians are called by their more interesting name, but hundreds of years of male rule have rendered all male given names boring and all female given names exciting
Personally, I’m inclined to use Kamala Harris’ first name just because it’s fun to say. It has a rhythm and repetition to it. Also, we’ve already had a President Harrison, so it distinguishes her.
With Hillary Rodham Clinton, I usually used her first name, initials, or full name to distinguish her from her husband. As much as I loath that she was always in his shadow, she was a force to be reckoned with. They may be a power couple, but she deserves her own recognition.
As for Tim Walz, Tim is just too common and uninteresting. Walz has character and it’s close to waltz.
It’s pronounced like “walls” though 🤔
That drove me crazy in 2016 and I’ve been pleasantly surprised that, outside of weirdos on Twitter, it’s mostly been called the HARRIS campaign.
Oh Matt Walsh is angry? Good. Spreading lies not ok anymore loser?
Fuck your feelings
Sound familiar?
Memes are fair play.