• Riskable
    1 month ago

    The crime that “illegal aliens” are guilty of is an administrative violation… That’s why they’re called, “undocumented”. It’s an administrative offense. Usually they enter the country legally then overstay their visa. There’s not even an implied threat or danger there… They’re just people.

    Driving a vehicle without a license is an imminent danger for everyone. Not just a threat to life and liberty but a rather large economic threat. Without a license there’s no guarantee that the individual went through any training whatsoever nor will they have any insurance. Even if they’re a victim of something like a drunk driver they can’t get justice since the unlicensed driver will be at fault (in addition to the drunk).

    The “national security threat” mentioned in the article is bullshit. These people need to provide some proof of residency in order to obtain the license. It’s not like they’re just saying, “I’m Joe Blow” and walking out with a government ID.

    Not only that but the licenses in question clearly state that they were obtained without proof of citizenship. So it’s not like any law enforcement will ever get confused about their status.

    • @[email protected]
      -51 month ago

      The two are almost identical, they both involve doing something without the government’s permission that would otherwise be allowed. Unlicensed people drive every day without putting others at risk. Driver training requirements in most places are nonexistant and testing standards are arbitrary and in many cases barely even related to safely operating a vehicle.

  • @[email protected]
    41 month ago

    illegal alien is such an offensive phrase… they’re not aliens, they’re homo sapiens. Anyone who still uses the term is insane.

    • @[email protected]
      31 month ago

      The word “alien” was used for people from a foreign country well before it was used for extra-terrestrials.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        yeah but it ceased being used 8 years ago by the US government because of it’s use as a derogatory term and the dehumanizing effect it has.

        Words tend to have a liquid definition over a period of decades. Take the british term for cigarettes that most people know and what it now means; innocent words tend to very easily morph and are weaponized in a way that is distant from their original meaning. Seemingly moreso in modern times.

    • NeuromancerM
      -51 month ago

      Huh? The word alien doesn’t mean from outer space. They are illegal aliens.