Just need to remove “8” from that message.
Father, Hacker (Information Security Professional), Open Source Software Developer, Inventor, and 3D printing enthusiast
Just need to remove “8” from that message.
Soybeans are offended!
Even removing the 14th amendment wouldn’t take away non-citizen rights. The Bill of Rights applies to all persons living or residing within the United States. Regardless of whether or not they’re citizens.
Team Trump doesn’t give a shit about the rule of law though 🤷
Conservatives only trust things they can see. If it can’t be seen directly with the naked eye in real time it is a conspiracy or imaginary.
It’s why things like vaccines don’t seem real to them. They can see the needle and the injection but what happens afterwards is an unknowable, untrustworthy thing.
It’s also why MAGA had such a hard time processing Biden’s win. Saying things like, “he didn’t even hold that many rallies” or “attendance at his rallies were low!” Because to them, a physical presence is necessary to convince anyone that someone is serious about winning their votes (or even real).
Since anything unseen is scary to them it’s easy to point the finger at people they don’t see very often and say, “they’re the ones responsible for your troubles!”
If you got the survey you were already on the list.
+1 Doom Points. The apocalypse draws closer.
Those are needed to power the farm computers.
Bow before the might of the arch stand!
We’re right here: https://beatleader.com/clan/GENX
Unless you’re in Indonesia how is learning that language useful at all?
The world is rapidly (compared to history) moving towards ONE language. We don’t know which one it’ll be but all the signs are there. One thing we know for certain though is that only today’s top 5 are contenders and Indonesian isn’t one of them.
Another thing we know is that languages that use ideographic writing systems are on the way out. The spoken language may survive but the written language just can’t compete with languages that use phonographic alphabets and spelling. It’s just too inefficient to remember all the symbols and write them out and it’s nearly impossible to write a program or script with them (and maintain such code).
It looks like latin characters are going to win out for sure. Probably with emoji being accepted as acceptable grammar/cues/hints at some point.
Maoster would like a word. Forget showing skin… It’s so cool it explicitly bans intellectuals from its platform.
Jokes on them: It’s a trivial matter to leave location tracking on and then leave your phone at home, ship it somewhere, tape it under a bus seat, drop it from a bridge on to a barge, etc.
Does the bottom say anything or is it just random characters?
Hall effect sensor expert here! No, the magnets in the joycons that are used to attach to the display/body of the Switch 2 would not interfere with hall effect analog sticks.
Two reasons:
Regardless, it would be trivial to place a tiny little piece of ferromagnetic blocking tape wherever necessary to prevent interference.
You jest but automated blowguns with face recognition could be deadly and nearly impossible to spot!
All state legislatures have people that are nuts. Remember: Someone needs to represent the ignorant and stupid and also live there.
caoacity storage clusters.
At my work we use CoAssity clusters.
In college I would teach the latest quantum encabulator technology. I would open the class by hiding in a box and the students wouldn’t know if I was actually alive in the box until they opened it. At which point I would demonstrate the process of using a matter translation array and quantum encabulation to be able to find the answers to such things without having to actually open the box by way of deterministic reality differentiation using a standard wainscotted multiversimeter.
Jacksonville, FL of course!
875 square miles. Plenty of room!