John Wayne Bobbitt, whose penis was cut off by his wife in a high-profile case in the 1990s, underwent the last amputation of his remaining toes last year, The Sun reported Saturday, along with photos of his feet.

He attributed the amputations to toxic peripheral polyneuropathy, a condition he was diagnosed with due to drinking contaminated water at North Carolina’s Camp Lejeune military base, where he spent time as a Marine in the 1980s.

The condition damages the nerves, resulting in numbness and weakness. He said it caused him nerve damage and osteomyelitis, a bone infection that leads to ulcers and requires skin grafts.

    7 months ago

    Seems to me. The cause is more news worthy then the victim.

    Surly he was not alone in drinking that water. Is the US military taking any responsibility for recruits suffering loss 50 years later?

    Dose the loss of his toes give him any balance issues. Or is that mitigated by the previose incident?

    • JackbyDev
      7 months ago

      Maybe it is somewhat regional since I’m on the east coast but we definitely hear about camp lejune lawsuits. It’s not as crazy as the mesothelioma ones were back in the day but I hear about it a lot. And I don’t even have cable TV.