• @[email protected]
    6423 days ago

    Accurate except at feeding time. If they’re not all there at that moment, I know something has to be up. They NEVER miss a meal if they can help it.

    • @[email protected]
      2223 days ago

      One of the nice things about cats is how individual their personalities are. Also one of the difficulties, because all the things that made you a great partner to one cat just piss off another cat, but they are all great in their own way.

      • @[email protected]
        1023 days ago

        Yeah, I totally agree with that.

        Had two brothers from the same litter. sometimes it was so obvious they were brothers, like when they’d sit in an identical pose and watch me with hopeful eyes if I was cooking.

        Other times they were nothing alike. Different preferences for food, for attention, for the most comfortable position for a cuddle. Lovely boys. They did have the same vocalisations though, only I could tell the difference just from hearing them!

    • @[email protected]
      623 days ago

      Or he is being fed by the neighbor. It happened to us, we started to ferry worked because it cat stopped eating, only to realize later that our neighbor was feeding him too.

      • @[email protected]
        1223 days ago

        Mine is so terrified of going outside I think he’s been on 4chan. I’m watching for signs of radicalization, he’s always been an incel afterall.

  • urda
    23 days ago

    I would be devastated if I lost track of my boy Biscuit

    Edit: cat tax applied

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    23 days ago

    We had a cat that would always hide. There were times that we didn’t see her for over a week. She would only come out to eat when we weren’t looking. She eventually ran away and we didn’t know she was gone until we hadn’t seen her for two weeks and started looking for her. What was really weird is that about once a week she’d come out and beg for attention as if she was the most loving cat in the world, then she’d go back into hiding when she had her fill. She was like this for the entire 10 years that she was part of our family.

  • @[email protected]
    1723 days ago

    I actually do get concerned and go looking for them. 99% chance they’re sleeping somewhere, but what if there’s something wrong?

  • @[email protected]
    1223 days ago

    I got a GPS tracker for my dog’s collar after her third escape - but she never even attempted a fourth escape. Or perhaps she learned to wait for me to go to bed…

  • Only really felt that way about the ones that would stay outside. If I didn’t see one of the cats I’ve had that just liked to stay inside, I’d be concerned. The last one usually would just slip in behind you as you were leaving the pantry or bathroom and get locked in.

  • @[email protected]
    323 days ago

    I don’t really like dogs.

    One time I was studying for the day at a dog owners house and I was asked to let the dogs outside in the garden at around midday. They didn’t say to let the dogs back in, nor did it ever occur to me that they wanted that. They started to get quite loud in the afternoon.

  • @[email protected]
    222 days ago

    This is not my neighbour. If one or both of her two beauties do not come prancing around the corner within five minutes of being called, half the village will be mobilized for kitty patrol.