I imagine there are many US people living in places with 100+ degree days for months in a row – Places which seldom got above 90 a half-century ago … who do not understand that driving a car with AC to a home with AC is making matters worse.

The situation is urgent, yet we keep hearing 2060 2050 2040 2030 deadlines as if a fix could somehow be delivered by then . BUT: If we got to zero -tomorrow- , it’d stay as it already is for centuries. Every day without HUGE changes NOW it’s getting worse.

  • magiccupcake@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Too be fair, it is not the choice of individual Americans to live in and be dependent on a society that was forced to become car centric and dependent.

    With very few options to travel by car, and the large dominance of single family homes, we don’t get many options.

    Fuck people who drive gas guzzling trucks and giant suvs though. That is just unnecessary. But again car manufacturers have been slowly convincing Americans to purchase larger more expensive suvs for obvious reasons.

    This issue is absolutely a governmental policy choice, and one that is continuing to be upheld.