Bad for you specifically or personally. Did you have to do something to leverage it or did it judt naturally unfold to an optimal outcome?

  • vrek
    1 month ago

    I decided to move out of my mother’s house. I found a place to rent, it was 1.7 miles from my job. It was just a room in a house but it was good enough. I decided to take it and called the owner.

    We met at 5:00 at the panera bread after I got out of work. I signed my first ever real contract. It was my first big boy official legally binding contract.

    Next day I go to work all excited and telling everyone about it. I hear there is a all employee meeting. Then all contractors get sent home early. I go to the meeting…

    They announce they are closing the facility. Everyone will be let go. If we want to move to the new location we will be given priority otherwise it was nice to work with us.

    Less than 24 hours after signing a legally binding contract I was going to be jobless.

    Eventually I agreed to move. I have grown in my career. I live with my girlfriend who I met her. I still work with the same company.

    Overall it’s a improvement over my previous experience and it was 9 years ago…