• @[email protected]
    215 hours ago

    Teams is such a confusing app. To start off, what is it meant to be? A frontend for onedrive? A chat app? A videocall app? It’s like microsoft’s attemp to make their own everything app. What was wrong with Skype? Actually, Teams shows up as “skypeforlinux” (complete with a Skype icon) in Pavucontrol, so is the videocalling part of teams just a re-packaged skype? Why does the web version of teams have its own integrated Excel which is slightly different from standard web excel? It feels like the UI was specifically designed to mislead. There is a list of icons on the left that allow you to switch between different contexts in the app. The visual design makes it look like a set of radiobuttons, except clicking on some of them twice does a different action… There is a home screen, and then also a second SUPER HOME screen!? I can’t even get angry it at for being a slow bloated jumble of spyware like the rest of microsoft’s garbage (which it is), I just feel a sense of morbid fascination every time I’m forced to use it. It feels like an AI-generated app from a future where AI is much more capable but still utterly fails at understanding humans. It’s the uncanny valley of user experience.

    • JackbyDev
      44 hours ago

      One thing I miss about Lync (maybe the only thing lol) was that each chat was a separate window. …you couldn’t combine them unfortunately but I often find myself wishing I could pop a chat out of Slack, Discord, etc.

  • bitwolf
    75 hours ago

    All of the Microsoft sounds trigger this.

    First thing I do is change the default sounds. I wish teams provided some options other than zoom ripoff ringtone

  • @[email protected]
    11 hours ago

    I do a fair bit of freelance and also access a lot of client networks remotely or using their hardware. I have my own licence for ms365 as well on my own hardware.

    Teams just doesn’t know what the fuck it’s doing. It holds on to old accounts from years ago but doesn’t recall my own, active account. It behaves in the app sometimes but a lot of the time the browser option is the only viable way. It can’t work out that I have a webcam most of the time.

    Almost all meetings I have begin with me being 2-3 minutes late and messaging them that teams is being a fuck. And they all laugh knowingly, because everyone literally expects it.

    It is the buggiest most unpredictable piece of shit that I have to use almost daily, and almost exclusively with government clients who often have their own weird on prem custom version. I hate it with every atom in my body.

  • @[email protected]
    510 hours ago

    I had this years ago when I was in IT and had the on-call pager. We rotated it around the team so in had it every 6 weeks or so but it sucked hearing it go off in the middle of the night for some random server issue.

  • @[email protected]
    2118 hours ago

    I swear they intentionally make their app buggy as shit on Linux to punish us for not using Windows.

  • @[email protected]
    11 hours ago

    I keep getting asked at work if I use teams. I tell them I never learned how to use it and I have no intention of learning. I have email when I need something documented. I have a phone when I’m away from my desk, which is most of the time. I can also discuss things face to face, because I’m not afraid of walking across site, since I’m doing that most of the day anyway.

    • JackbyDev
      53 hours ago

      As shitty as teams is, it’s so much better for communicating with people than emails.

  • @[email protected]
    751 day ago

    Forza Horizon offered custom horns, one of them was the Teams “someone calling” notification. I would be in a race and use that horn and laugh as another player suddenly goes AFK.

    • @[email protected]
      322 hours ago

      It’s funny, we use it lightly for it’s intended purpose. I work in person on the ground and so do most people in the company. We’re spread wide geographically. I like what teams has done for us. We use it sparingly.

      • @[email protected]
        68 hours ago

        There are much, MUCH better systems out there that can do the same, just better, without all the bullshit and high cost

    • @[email protected]
      20 hours ago

      I’ll put up with it but has their ever been a person who wanted the document to open as a modal window inside Teams where you can’t even go back to the chat of the person who sent it without closing it?

      So you have to open in browser and then open the browser version in desktop.

      I don’t really hate Teams but that really triggers me. Otherwise I feel like Teams and I have a lot in common (like the whole tried to do too much and so does nothing well thing).

    • @[email protected]
      181 day ago

      It really wants me to host a webinar. I get a pop-up every day telling me about how great this function supposedly is. You’d think there was a VC generative AI project attached to it with how hard it’s being pushed.

      • @[email protected]
        151 day ago

        It’s Microsoft, they probably want you to host a webinar so they can use you to train AI to do it

  • snooggums
    171 day ago

    If you only use it to do video (optional) calls with a handful of people and share screens it is passable. I kind of like it for that, just a phone replacement with optional video and screen sharing.

    Anything beyond that though, bleah.

    • stebo
      219 hours ago

      what is beyond that? I only know about the video calling

      • JackbyDev
        23 hours ago

        Chat rooms and one on one chats. Teams is basically Microsoft’s version of Slack. Slack is sort of the corporate version of Discord if you haven’t used it.

      • snooggums
        212 hours ago

        Larger meetings where the wall of videos is wonky, mics have to be muted and unmuted, and the number of people with video on causes the connections to get choppy.

    • NielsBohron
      91 day ago

      It gets used as the in-house chat client at my place of employment. I work in a rural area in an old building so cell service is spotty at best, so it’s handy to be able to shoot a chat to anyone instead of an email or walking over to their office.

    • @[email protected]
      51 day ago

      In my daily experience, the voice becomes choppy when a screen is being shared. It’s the worst out of what I’ve used in the past.

  • IHave69XiBucks
    81 day ago

    Teams is horrible and i love it. ive managed to do so much less work because teams wont work. People dont even question it if i say oh teams never notified me of that im so sorry! When i was really just taking a nap.