For me “How long could I get away with driving like an ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE all the time before I lost my licence or had an accident.” Speed limits, red lights, stop signs… forget them all. Every day I have to drive sensibly and obey the law because without my licence I dont have a job, and every day I see at least one person driving like an absolute moron and I wonder…

  • Bear
    17 hours ago

    All natural eugenics. No drugs or engineering, just good old fashioned artificial selection driven by fully consenting paid volunteers.

  • Mad_Punda
    613 hours ago

    Testing a ton of medication for pregnant/breastfeeding women. So much medication I couldn’t take, simply because it’s not considered ethical to have the studies done, since it could affect the baby in all sorts of ways. Which we can’t clear up without the studies. So annoying.

  • @[email protected]
    16 hours ago

    Eugenics. Not the racist BS that was done in the past, but really pushing the limit to see if we can breed super humans. Genetic editing to make humans immune to cancer or disease. Increased lifespan. Resistance to radiation. Smarter. Stronger. Better.

    Arguably, this kind of thing is actually somewhat of a necessity if we ever want to explore the stars. We are far too fragile in our current bodies to survive the difficulties and vastness of space.

    • @[email protected]
      413 hours ago

      Honestly, I’d be super stoked if we could just get rid of all the actual serious defects, just, whack a few moles that really super suck for anyone who gets the short end of the genealogical stick.

      And by that I mean like

      • Huntington’s Disease
      • Early onset and regular non early onset Arthritis
      • My entire family bloodline is prone to heart issues/cancer type beat
      • Crohn’s
  • @[email protected]
    212 hours ago

    How many clowns can you fit inside an unmodified VW Bug if survivability is no longer a concern.

  • @[email protected]
    1020 hours ago

    I’d like to experiment with other non-capitalist based systems in various points of infra-structure of my country.

    I don’t think this “only make money in all things, all the time” shit is a smart way to manage numerous complex systems.

    I don’t have all the answers on how that shakes out, but I think the first move would be to only allow professionals experienced in respective fields to set up these experiments. Existing profitable systems and overseeing corporations be damned.

  • @[email protected]
    121 day ago

    I’d like an extensive dietary breakdown of the potential benefits or harms of eating the flesh and organs of humans with net worths of over 10 million, 100 million, 1 billion, 10 billion, 100 billion dollars.

    • @[email protected]
      417 hours ago

      That would need to be a wide ranging study with a very large sample size, just to be sure we get the most robust dataset we can. Better to use all of them than just a small sample.

  • @[email protected]
    217 hours ago

    Cloning is the first one that comes to mind for me. If you could somehow avoid the horrors of the process of learning a reliable methodology the result wouldn’t necessarily be unethical.

  • Caveman
    111 day ago

    Tons of drug tests on children to know the exact effect they have on development. Also anti-aging research to see how much you can potentially slow down aging and how the self repair mechanism of children works with respect to aging. The results could really give us a great insight into aging well and being healthy later in life.

    To clarify, I don’t want to see them done, performed, do them myself or anything adjacent because they’re deeply wrong and dangerous.

    • @[email protected]
      116 hours ago

      Isn’t the main issue in aging the limit of cell division? Cells can only divide a certain number of times.

      Maybe find some crazy ass backwards way to produce more stem cells in a person that the body delivers to key areas?

      • Caveman
        114 hours ago

        That theory is very outdated. People found out that telemeres are important but not the main driver of aging. A lot of research is Nov going on with senescent cells and epigenetics which looks more promising.

  • @[email protected]
    71 day ago

    Eugenics taken to their logical conclusion.

    As the parent of a child on the spectrum that is very aware of what such practices would mean for him, I would never agree with it in real life. But I do have a fascination with what we could do if we just said the hell with ethics and started trying to breed “perfect” people.

    • @[email protected]
      516 hours ago

      The movie gattaca does this well. No murder or cleansing. But you can have a natural birth or IVF with the Impurities stripped out. “The best of you.”

      “Dirty” people were limited to shit like janitors and all high paying jobs would sneak a test in to filter out anyone “un-pure”

    • Lemminary
      524 hours ago

      Like, ok, let’s try to breed the perfect person–fine. But do we have to kill everyone else? Why is genocide seemingly always on the agenda? Lol

      • @[email protected]
        217 hours ago

        Eugenics doesn’t mean killing anyone, just improve the genetic qualities of humans.

        You could do selective breeding, incentivized breeding (entice the right candidates with whatever) ,gene manipulations, etc…

        But I understand that proponents of eugenics usually have extreme right wing views, and why you would come to that conclusion.

  • @[email protected]
    182 days ago

    I want to see how far you can push performance of the human body, and make the results compete against each other. All the bonkers whacky surgeries you can think of: limb lengthening, bone strengthening, replace their organs with bigger, stronger versions.

    All the drugs: hgh, steroids, any performance enhancing substance you can pump into an athlete.

    Have sports scientists raise children so that they’re born into a dedicated training regime for running or swimming.

    Then make them compete against each other in the trans-human olympics. I want to see someone do the 100m in 3 seconds, I want to see someone not have to come up for air during the freestyle, I want someone to throw a javelin 2 miles, I want bioengineered mutants doing gymnastics routines

    • @[email protected]
      110 hours ago

      You’ve got some close competition, but I think you win the most Mengele response of the thread.

    • @[email protected]
      116 hours ago

      This sounds like something in the dystopian future where they take volunteers from “the poors” so thier families can survive if they win…

      • @[email protected]
        16 hours ago

        Unit 731 was garbage science. About the only thing worthwhile that came from that was learning how better to treat hypothermia. Most of their experiments boiled down to “If we do terrible things to people, how much will they suffer?” with the answer being “A lot.”

        It doesn’t take live experiments to learn things like surgery without anesthesia is less effective, or that not treating people infected with horrible diseases causes them to die in agony.

  • @[email protected]
    -315 hours ago

    Probably seeing what amount of pain each asshole driver can suffer before they die. Hope you’re at least a 9, OP!

  • @[email protected]
    332 days ago

    I want to totally impoverish the 50 richest capitalists to see if they could “bootstrap” themselves out of it for real.

    Okay, so there’s nothing unethical or dangerous about that (they are capitalist parasites, not humans), but it would still be interesting to see.

  • @[email protected]
    132 days ago

    A bit contemporary, but I’d like to have studied what it takes to break someone of illusions that were fed and forced on them externally, e.g. schooling, TV, social media and other forms of cultural imprinting and propaganda.

    We’ve all had that “what would it take to get this person to realize how far off base they are?” question, it would be fascinating, in a no-holds barred experiment testing various solutions and combinations to find out which is the most effective.

    E.g. someone believes climate change isn’t real because (x,y,z irrelevant). No amount of written evidence is effective to people who don’t understand the scientific method, so would it be videos, traveling to acutely affected places, having polar bears removed from all zoos, baseball bats on their knuckles when they make a logical fallacy?

    It would be interesting to then categorize the types of delusions or illusions and then prescribe treatment based on these results.

      • @[email protected]
        72 days ago

        Parts of it could be done, but it would always stop at “the subject is uncomfortable”, which is the whole point of why changing someone’s mind against delusions, illusions and propaganda is hard. They don’t want to, so without some treatment experiments that would certainly not meet today’s medical and/or psychological standards, we wouldn’t get an answer to many questions.

        You could make a TV show sure, but all the wrong people would tune in.

        • @[email protected]OP
          114 hours ago

          You would need volunteers, but let them witness the experiments that disprove chemtrails or flat earth bullshit themselves and in person allow them to inspect the equipment and so on.

          See which ones of them are willing to actually take whats presented to them and see with their own eyes and re-evaluate their position.

  • @[email protected]
    513 days ago

    Isolate a bunch of babies together, with food etc, and see how they develop their own language and society.