do you use linux or windows? i use ubuntu!

  • @[email protected]
    13 hours ago

    I use Fedora 40, with KDE spin since I’m not a fan of the GNOME UI. I actually have windows on a sperate SSD on standby just in case I need some program that won’t work even on WINE. The user experience is much better than windows, no random bugs/inexplicable disconnection of USB devices, No ads, No random bloatware that can only be uninstalled through the terminal like edge, The right-click menu doesn’t take 6 seconds to load for inexplicable reasons & it doesn’t raise the temperature of my PC by 10C because I opened my web browser or VSC

  • @[email protected]
    13 hours ago

    I can’t get SteamVR to work in Linux unfortunately, it’s the primary thing preventing me from deleting my Windows partition

  • @[email protected]
    14 hours ago

    Switched to Mint for desktop. Been mostly fine. Getting it installed was surprisingly harrowing. Annoyed that most mod tools for games are targeting windows. I guess I have to figure out wine and its whole prefix system.

  • @[email protected]
    5 hours ago

    Fedora KDE on home computer
    Manjaro KDE on wife’s computer
    Endeavor Sway on small laptop
    MX Linux XFCE on GPD Pocket
    Fedora GNOME on work non-sanctioned laptop
    Ubuntu WSL on work sanctioned laptop

    • sylver_dragon
      137 minutes ago

      Are there seriously no lemmy users on a Mac?

      Artist are probably still on Reddit to access the larger user base.

    • @[email protected]
      11 hour ago

      I bought a old Imac at a thrift store and put XFCE on it. It was a great machine until the power supply finally gave out. I would do it again if I had the chance.

  • @Mesa
    15 hours ago

    Windows, but I’m looking to get a laptop I can dual boot into Linux. The pipeline strikes again.

  • @parpol
    4412 hours ago

    For anything non-gaming I use Linux.

    For anything gaming I still use Linux.

  • Nytefyre
    16 hours ago

    Linux for laptops. Windows for desktops.

    Linux is not 100% there for me to really use. It never really was. I’ve sometimes tried to go through a folder of all of the setup files for programs and utilities I commonly use on Windows. I just know for a fact that while Linux has open source counterparts to some of them, they don’t for all of them. Even if Linux did, it always feels like I have to take an extra step or two, to run it as opposed to on Windows by simply clicking it to run.

    Then it’s a matter of driver support as well.

    Then it’s the relentless browbeating from Linux fanboys that just turn me off from considering going full Linux. I keep envisioning this scenario where someone is calling tech support for like an audio issue and the support guy is going “I see, well…all you have to do is…GO LINUX!” he shouts in the ear piece at the caller. He would repeat “GO LINUX!” over and over until the caller hangs up, while he’s still on the line, drooling over himself as he mumbles “Linux…” while imagining the Tux penguin, Torvalds and other open source figures. Eyes glossed over.

    That’s the kind of fanboyism I can’t stand with Linux.

  • @[email protected]
    16 hours ago

    I was dual booting windows NT4 and Slackware 3.0. A lot of my old 3.11 and 95 software didn’t work on NT4, so eventually I stopped using it.

    I’ve moved on to Arch Linux, now, but the software I use to sync my palm pilot doesn’t work. It’s available in the AUR, but it won’t build.

  • Lettuce eat lettuce
    1712 hours ago

    Been 100% Linux for over 3 years. All my servers, my fancy gaming PC, my personal laptop, my side business laptop, my work laptop, my Steam Deck, all Linux.

    No dual boot, I have a single Windows VM on my work laptop to test Windows apps because my workplace is a Windows shop.

    I don’t miss Windows even a little bit. I am so much more free and enjoy computing way more now.