Does this sex having require another person or does my couch count?
Interesting question, JD.
I just can’t. This trope is sofa kind stupid
Asexuals: “Guess I’ll just die then.”
Asexuals can have sex… I mean I don’t, but it is an option, we just don’t feel sexual attraction. Edit: so yeah, I guess I will die now. I forgot the point.
Ironically, the article claims the opposite - having sporadic (as opposed to regular or no) sex can trigger an heart attack.
So just don’t things half way.
A good example of a time where you really need to full-ass it.
I’m cooked, gonna go talk to a woman, wish me luck guys
Join the other team; we don’t even bother with talking most of the time. Lol
Where I come from you don’t get to choose your team.
Being bi is literally the best of both worlds. It’s the sexual equivalent of being born wealthy.
Let me marry someone like that lmao
When you gotta Gunpla, you gotta Gunpla.
Corelation or causation
Reading the actual article , it seems that the issue is doing some… strenuous physical activity when you are not used to it can trigger heart attacks.
Probably a correlation though, not cause
This does insinuate that a high-risk of heart attack causes sexlessness.
Better stock up on advil.
Not true. It might be that people with illnesses that cause a higher risk of heart attacks can also make it more difficult for them to go out and meet people due to low mobility or chronic pain or fatigue.
Well yes, that makes sense and all, but it’s not nearly as fun as saying mojo is directly controlled by heart health. Or that cancer causes cell phones, or that people named Killian cause air bag recalls. They’re obviously wrong and ridiculous, and that’s funny.
Seems unlikely given that ascetic hermits around the world are known for living to a ripe old age.
Why do you assume they don’t have sex? It doesn’t specify what they need to have sex with…
I don’t really know if it is really true, but I’m not taking any chances.
I’m a sceptic.
If this were true I would already have had like 19 heart attacks by now
Username checks out…maybe
All my exes are from Side 3
Don’t worry OP, there are plenty of sharks in the sea.
Most people dont have heart attacks, so 2.5 times that is not really much.