At this point I’m very concerned about the open source industry relying so much on github. You have to remember that any project there can be swept away overnight because it doesn’t fit into the agenca of a large company, for example.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    11 hour ago

    Repackaging old games for new consoles is basically the entire business model for Nintendo at this point. In light of that, I can see why they go after emulators so hard.

  • @[email protected]
    5 hours ago

    What’s not reported is that they will create a new codeberg account under a fake name, fork, and continue development in a few months

    • @[email protected]
      164 hours ago

      Original dev almost certainly not, not if they have their real name which is likely.

      Nintendo harasses people with private investigators and likely have a dossier on whoever they targeted that goes beyond just the project. Cheat on your wife? Have a questionable arrangement with your HOA about your garage? It’s all ammo against you.

  • @[email protected]
    128 hours ago

    Nintendo is not as stupid as you guys think, Yuzu forks that actually got some development like sudachi got targeted shortly after and was dmca’d too, nobody wants to work on something that’s going to get claimed in 3 months.

    • @[email protected]
      105 hours ago

      Just serve the code locally from a Gitea or Forgejo instance. Then let’s see how Ninty is going to DMCA that. Also, I’d love for someone to challenge the DMCA’s as copyright should not apply to an emulator that doesn’t use any original code and doesn’t come with ROM files.

      • @[email protected]
        35 hours ago

        Yeah, it’s why Nintendo got Yuzu through DRM circumvention since games are encrypted, if Ryujinx didn’t comply they would’ve just done the same.

        • @[email protected]
          14 hours ago

          But nothing is circumvented. People have to provide their own keys, right? It’s like suing GnuPG b/c it can decrypt stuff…

          • n1ckn4m3
            2 hours ago

            IANAL, but from what I read regarding Yuzu / the title and prod keys / etc., is Nintendo’s argument is three-fold – the only way to obtain those keys is to use a tool that itself is a violation of the DMCA, use of those keys by an emulator to decrypt Nintendo’s protected content in a method outside of Nintendo’s authorized use is a violation of DMCA even if the keys aren’t provided in the emulator, and there is no legitimate use of those keys except to circumvent controls intended to protect copyright.

            Therefore, by their argument, any emulator that can use those keys would effectively be subject to DMCA even if you had to bring your own keys, because unless the emulator only ran homebrew or completely decrypted content and had absolutely no decryption capabilities, you’d still be using the prod keys and title keys to decrypt content in violation of the DMCA in order to execute it. So, the tool that dumps the keys is a DMCA violation and any emulator that uses those keys to decrypt protected content in order to execute it is a DMCA violation, and Nintendo has a strong case that the actual keys themselves are only useful for making unauthorized copies of content that bypass the encryption that exists to prevent it.

            It stands to reason that a clean-room developed Switch emulator that required all content it ran to be decrypted prior to being able to run it may be able to exist without Nintendo shitting it into non-existance, since Nintendo couldn’t make any argument that the primary use was a DMCA violation as no encryption would be being bypassed by the emulator. They’d probably then go after whoever made the tool to dump the games, but they’d probably be less successful.

            On the other hand, the pragmatist in me says that unless I was 500% sure of my online anonymity, I wouldn’t want to pick a fight with Nintendo – even if I thought I was right. They have enough money to lock someone up in legal battles for a very long time and most independent developers wouldn’t have anywhere near the finances required to bankroll appropriate defense counsel. Can’t say I’d blame people for not wanting to invite that hellscape into their lives.

            • @[email protected]
              11 hour ago

              Thing is, DMCA doesn’t apply all over the world. There are countries where whatever electronic device you buy is actually yours and you’re allowed to do whatever you want - including messing with the firmware. Also, I’d argue, the DMCA doesn’t apply if you dump the firmware/keys for yourself only without distributing it.

              That being said, it’s unfortunate that these people are mostly in the US where the party with more money decides when a lawsuit is over and not some sane judge that just throws this case back at Nintendo. But after the stuff with Disney+ and the recent one with Uber, I’m not surprised at all anymore.

  • @[email protected]
    129 hours ago





    " BARBARA "

    • Chewy
      7 hours ago

      This does not apply to difficult projects like emulators.

      E.g. suyu, a yuzu fork, does not seem to get much development. Most of the changes are build or documentation related. [1]

      Those emulators will work fine for the currently supported games, but without new competent people trying to stay anonymous, I don’t see how these emulators will improve.


      • @[email protected]
        17 hours ago

        Yeah, now that both of the main emulators have been shut down, it will be interesting to see how well people can run future high profile Switch games on PC. Mario & Luigi Brothership and Metroid Prime 4 come to mind.

  • Lad
    3211 hours ago

    I’m going to pirate a switch game and load it onto my steam deck in honour of Yuzu and Ryujinx.

    • GHiLA
      9 hours ago

      Let’s create millions of copies of BOTW and delete them so Nintendo loses a few billion.

  • @[email protected]
    68 hours ago

    Wait! So the author bows his head, says hey great guys u win. Watch i complied.

    Leans over to the stranger sitting next to him and says, hold my beer.

    In the same heartbeat, creates another git acnt, exact same commit history. And carries on. Some other author, totally not the same guy but oddly the same pgp public key announces they’ve taken over and here are the new urls.

    i call that mission accomplished

    this comment thread is like fight Money Mcbags and go bankrupt for our entertainment and for the LOLs and feelz good?

    Or we can just post the new urls and pretend it’s a new maintainer, with the handle lawyerdisappointed

  • CubitOom
    2012 hours ago

    Here is HurricanePootis pinned comment in the AUR.

    So, I am going to pin this post.

    For now, I am pointing this package to as it has tags, which is useful for this package.

    I am against deleting this package, as with yuzu and citra, forks will arise and then these packages will be resurrected (sometimes by less skilled maintainers cough cough citra). Therefore, I am going to keep an eye out to see where Ryujinx development goes, and go on from there.

  • Anti-Face Weapon
    14 hours ago

    This kind of thing often has the opposite of the intended effect. People then host mirrors of the original repo, and the press brings more developers to the project.

    This sort of action by Nintendo and other companies is so short sighted. Bad press, a legal battle they couldn’t actually win if it went to court, increased attention on the thing they’re trying to hinder, etc. Its a stupid decision made by business people who don’t know anything about tech, and who are disincentivized to care about the long term health of their brand.

    I litterally had not heard of the emulator until now. Maybe I’ll have to compile it and give it a spin now.

    • @[email protected]
      39 hours ago

      Bad press, a legal battle they couldn’t actually win if it went to court

      Those two seem like a stretch.

      • Anti-Face Weapon
        34 hours ago

        This is clearly bad press, everyone reading this gets negative thoughts about Nintendo. We are all talking about how bad they are RIGHT NOW.

        Nintendo would absolutely lose that legal battle. It’s well established that emulation is not a crime and nor is the development of emulators.

        • @[email protected]
          12 hours ago

          You already had negative thoughts about nintendo…so does that count? Most people won’t even see this…so I don’t think it’s much bad press.

          As for legal battles…being sued is not really about committing crimes…you can lose legal battles while not doing anything illegal. I think Nintendo would likely win from simply pushing the devs into bankruptcy…

          • @[email protected]
            155 minutes ago

            If it’s enough negative thoughts pile up, they’ll eventually breach a threshold where people avoid the company. I was looking forward to Metroid Prime 4, but I’m thinking of skipping it now.

      • JohnEdwa
        8 hours ago

        Emulation and emulators aren’t illegal. Yuzu for example got in trouble mostly for distributing tools for circumventing copy protection and dumping roms and not for the emulator itself.

        But it doesn’t really matter as nobody has money to defend themselves against something like Nintendo. Here just even the threat of it was enough to get the Ryujinx devs to fold just in case.

        • @[email protected]
          22 hours ago

          Yes. Nintendo doesn’t need to ever win a lawsuit. If they simply bring it, they will win through having the deepest pockets.

  • Max-P
    10317 hours ago

    The author was bullied by Nintendo into voluntarily removing the repos, it wasn’t DMCA’d.

    GitHub had nothing to do with this one. And just like with Yuzu, plenty of people have uploaded copies of the repo already, thanks to git’s decentralized nature where everyone have a full copy of the entire history.

    • qaz
      811 hours ago

      Git is decentralized, but the collaborative aspect is fully centralized.

    • @[email protected]
      17 hours ago

      Git itself isn’t decentralized is about people copying it and sometimes mirroring it.

      Anyway it is a good habit to avoid github entirely (when hosting a repo).

      • @[email protected]
        2516 hours ago

        Git itself isn’t decentralized is about people copying it and sometimes mirroring it.

        Not sure what you mean. My understanding is that git itself is decentralized insofar as each clone can develop its own history without ever needing to push to the origin, but that what OP is referring to is actually the “distributed” nature of git, where i.e. it’s easy to copy the entire history of an instance.

        • @[email protected]
          39 hours ago

          what OP is referring to is actually the “distributed” nature of git, where i.e. it’s easy to copy the entire history of an instance.

          Exactly. Isn’t decentralized itself since it’s not a platform but by being “indipendent” and not entangled with anything you can just copy it entirely and host it somewhere else.

          • @[email protected]
            38 hours ago

            Isn’t decentralized itself since it’s not a platform

            I think I see your definition of “decentralized” a little better now, if you only want to apply it to platforms.

            I think your definition may be too strict, and that “decentralized” and “distributed don’t have to be mutually exclusive, but eh, that’s just my take.

            • @refalo
              4 hours ago

              I think if syncing of (at least) upstream histories between clones was done automatically, they might consider that more in-line with their definition of decentralized.

              Also kudos to both of you for communicating your differences properly without resorting to arguments.

              I feel like so much of the arguing and trolling nowadays is simply due to a difference in subjective definitions and people not being able to calmly communicate that with each other.

        • @[email protected]
          -816 hours ago

          Git being snapshot-based unlike other (better) VCSs require that patch order matter so often the easiest way to manage a project is to have some centralized authority since it is so, so easy to get merge conflicts without a central authority if trying to just distribute patches. It’s a lot easier to be decentralized without Git’s fundamental limitations.

          • @[email protected]
            15 hours ago

            What version control software in particular do you find better than git?

            Your point about users often managing git projects via centralization is taken and valid. I was just pointing out that you don’t have to use git that way - different clones can separately develop their own features - so the earlier claim someone made that “git isn’t decentralized” is still wrong, imo.

            • @[email protected]
              08 hours ago

              Git is distributed but still centralized. D in DVCS is distributed. Downvoters likely have never used a non-Git VCS, let alone a non-snapshot-based VCS. But fanboys will fanboy.

              Pijul & Darcs are based on Patch Theory which make the conflicts of different patch order a non-issue so long as the apply cleanly (such as working on different ports of the code base). Patch A then patch B ≡ patch B then patch A; this will be a needless merge conflict in Git since the order matters. (& no, Jujutsu isn’t the solution still shackled to the limitations of Git as a back-end while claiming to do what Pijul does—but doesn’t).

      • loathsome dongeater
        316 hours ago

        Git is decentralised by nature. It’s what allows mirroring the repo on other forges even when git repos are hosted on proprietary platforms like GitHub.

        • @[email protected]
          39 hours ago

          Yes but no, because I don’t want to not interact with a repo at all just because it’s on github for whatever reason (if there’s one).

          But yes, I understand your feelings. Fuck M$

    • PropaGandalfOP
      16 hours ago

      I see. But still, GitHub isn’t the right place for precious code like this. The best would be to have a federated git forge, something like what the forgejo devs are working on.

  • the post of tom joad
    1213 hours ago

    Nintendo youll never get my money cuz you wont me play yer great games on my own hardware. Ill never spend another dime on your designed to fail overpriced crappy controllers. Never! Boooooo!

  • MudMan
    2617 hours ago

    Yeeeah, Nintendo sucks.

    And it sucks that, despite this not killing the distribution of Yuzu or Ryujinx forks it does make them less safe and reliable for users, as well as hindering ongoing development.

    Ultimately, though, Nintendo is acting within their rights. Which is not an endorsement, it’s proof that modern copyright frameworks are broken and unfit for purpose in an online world. We need a refoundation of IP. Not to make everything freely accessible, necessarily, but to make it make sense online instead of having to rely on voluntary non-enforcement. I don’t care if it’s Youtube or emulation development, you should know if your project is legal and safe before you have lawyers showing up at your door with offers you can’t refuse.

    • @[email protected]
      15 hours ago

      They aren’t working within any rights. Emulator production is a legal right that Nintendo has neither the ability to bestow nor deny. It’s the founding legal rationale behind virtualization as a technology. This is the equivalent of someone holding a gun to your head and telling you to shut up - the forced relinquishing of your rights through threat of force, and it’s a little frightening to watch people suggest otherwise. This has played out in court and is settled law. Bleem! went BANKRUPT to secure a legal victory against SONY and establish that emulators are completely legal and there is no “gray area” about them, and you should be in less of a hurry to throw legal rights away because “Well, Nintendo said so…”

      • MudMan
        414 hours ago

        They are absolutely within their rights to approach the developers of Ryujinx and threaten to sue them. Based on how things have worked so far they’d lose, and I agreee with you that the inequality in that interaction is terrible and should be addressed.

        On the Yuzu scenario it’s more relevant, because of the specific proprietary elements found in the emulator.

        And then there’s Nintendo targeting emulation-based handhelds and streamers for featuring emulated footage of their first party games on Youtube videos, which falls directly under the mess that is copyright enforcement under Youtube and other social platforms.

        In all of those cases, a clearer, more rules-based organization of IP that explicitly covers these scenarios would have helped people defend against Nintendo’s overreach, or at least have a clearer picture of what they can do about it. We can’t go on forever relying on custom, subjective judicial interpretation and non-enforcement. We’re way overdue on a rules-based agreement of what can and can’t be done with media online.

        The worst part is… we kinda know. There is a custom-based baseline for it we’ve slowly acquired over time. It’s just not properly codified, it exists in EULAs and unspoken, unenforceable practices. It’s an amazing gap in what is a ridiculously massive cultural and economic segment. It’s crazy that we’re running on “do you feel lucky?” when it comes to deciding if a corporation claiming you can’t do a thing on the Internet that involves media. We need to know what we’re allowed to do so we can say “no” when predatory corporations like Nintendo show up to enforce rights they don’t have or shouldn’t have.

        • @[email protected]
          14 hours ago

          You’re incorrect. Creating an emulator is not illegal. Nintendo has the legal right to threaten to sue someone, but if you are threatening to sue for something that is not a crime, and you know that, and you do it anyway in the hopes of bankrupting them before the case settles, that’s not a legal proceeding, it’s extortion. I can threaten to sue you for cooking pancakes in your house, and while it’s technically ALLOWED for me to do that, it’s clearly and obviously not a case I would win, but if the threat of making your life hell is prominent enough, you might get forced into backing down, which is exactly what’s happening here.

          They would absolutely NOT lose in court for creating an emulator. I cannot stress enough exactly how legal emulation is. It’s as legal as making your pancakes. The only way they would lose in court is if there is some EXTRA thing they’ve done that we don’t know about. If all they’ve done is create and distribute Ryujinx, there is absolutely NO way Nintendo would win a case in the US. This is settled law, and saying it isn’t doesn’t make it so, although it DOES embolden companies to bullshit developers with more bogus threats in the future.

          • @[email protected]
            119 minutes ago

            He never said that creating an emulator was illegal. He said that Nintendo is legally in the clear to do what they did. In Yuzu’s case, Nintendo sued and both parties settled, and they reached an “agreement” with Ryujinx to take down its emulator.

            As far as I’m aware, the Yuzu case isn’t settled law as it calls into question whether the use of dumped keys to “bypass” copy protections is legal under the DMCA. This question isn’t about emulation, even if it’s a step required for emulation to be possible.

            Since there are many issues with copyright law right now, corporations have a free pass to bully people in a multitude of ways, and the Yuzu lawsuit and Ryujinx “agreement” are just new ways of doing the same thing. All OP is saying is that lawmakers need to re-create copyright and IP laws to make them more fair and make sense so that content creators and/or homebrew devs and/or fangame creators and/or emulator devs can do their work with a far less shaky legal foundation.

          • MudMan
            113 hours ago

            I did not claim that creating an emulator is illegal. You don’t sue people for a crime, either. “Illegal” and “criminal” are different concepts, and making an emulator without tapping into proprietary assets is neither.

            We don’t know what Nintendo used to threaten Ryujinx, so we don’t know how likely it is that they would have won. We do know the Yuzu guys messed up and gave them a better shot than in the other times they have failed at this exact play.

            You are very mad at an argument nobody is making.

            • @[email protected]
              11 hours ago

              Perhaps. But I see a lot of hand rubbing and “oh welling” from people when this is a legitimate moment for anger at the precedence this sets. I understand the urge to make it make sense, but the fact is people either tacitly accepting this activity as reasonable or arguing about the red herring of whether the source code is still available to sit and rot with nobody touching it but shady scam artists, not only moves the bar on what what Nintendo and other companies see they can get away with, it has a chilling effect on future preservation efforts among the constantly shrinking pool of people skilled enough in low level development to do this kind of work.

              I guess my point is, I’m seeing very few voices that are sufficiently concerned or angry enough about this event considering the far reaching consequences it’s going to have.

              We shouldn’t in ANY way be normalizing this activity, and our reaction shouldn’t be “Of COURSE they did this.” Although I guess I shouldn’t be surprised after we just watched Boeing murder a half dozen of its whistleblowers and the most people did was make a few memes. We’re living in a literal dystopia, apparently.

              • MudMan
                211 hours ago

                Well, there are a couple of caveats to that. One is that it’s far from the first time an emulator has been taken down for similar reasons and it’s historically been pretty ineffective in the grand scheme, especially when alternative forks are available. “Far reaching consequences” is a bit of an overstatement, at least for those of us that went down into the Bleem! mines back in the day. There is a chance that you may be connecting things that aren’t that directly connected here.

                The second is that you’re still misrepresenting people not acting out their annoyance the way you’d like with people not being annoyed. I’m not here defending Nintendo, this sucks. I’m here saying that I don’t want to shame Nintendo into the same awkward gray area Google as an intermediary and every other IP holder currently inhabits, I want actually effective regulation that protects legitimate content creators from IP abuse, including from predatory corporations. You are looking to perform outrage in a room of like-minded people, and I get that you want to vent, but it’s not particularly useful to get mad at people that agree with you for not being in your same emotional level while they do.

                • @[email protected]
                  110 hours ago

                  This is a fair point. I just get so sick of seeing the constant erosion of individual rights in the technology space due to apathy and under reactions, and it’s a more or less constant, ongoing slide to the point where moments like this become absolutely infuriating.

            • @[email protected]
              311 hours ago

              The maintainer of the Apple M1 branch said that they literally showed up to the lead dev’s home in Brazil in a comment on Reddit.

              • MudMan
                311 hours ago

                That’s a good cue to mention that I don’t know the specifics of how this would work in Brazil and how they impact the situation one way or the other. That said, my objections to the current arrangement of IP and copyright are fairly international.

  • t�m
    1917 hours ago

    Oh snap, we have to decentralize the hub

      • t�m
        310 hours ago

        No but now I’m looking into it

    • @[email protected]
      1716 hours ago

      I mean, that’s been obvious since Microsoft bought it.

      But this is really more about how emulator devs ought to accept that Nintendo is going to try to persecute them and start keeping themselves anonymous to avoid being ruined by lawsuits, even though what they’re doing is neither illegal nor unethical.

      • PropaGandalfOP
        416 hours ago

        Not necessarily. Look at Lemmy instances for example. You could call each instance a hub, but the content is pretty much distributed.