More dataisdepressing than dataisbeautiful

  • Unquote0270
    2 months ago

    Maybe do some research about statistical concepts before spouting what sounds good to you. Causation can absolutely ‘come’ without correlation.

    You are a great example of someone not understanding that things are complex so you reach for tabloid explanations because they are comfortable and simple.

    • Maybe do some research about statistical concepts before spouting what sounds good to you. Causation can absolutely ‘come’ without correlation.

      Name a counter example

      You are a great example of someone not understanding that things are complex so you reach for tabloid explanations because they are comfortable and simple.

      I refuse to engage in bad faith argument and school yard insults.

      • Unquote0270
        2 months ago

        Name a counter example

        Statistics isn’t defined by examples. Educate yourself, this is a very well known and understood concept. Staying in ignorance is your choice.

          • Unquote0270
            2 months ago

            I don’t need to prove you wrong with examples, you are wrong, it’s very well documented and widely understood. If you choose to not believe it and can’t be bothered to research it yourself then you have chosen to stay ignorant, and wrong, which is your right.

            • Its ok to admit that your wrong im not gonna judge you. I just want you to think about it for a second if something is causational we can say a causes b. If this is the case then most cases of a will result in b, thus a correlates with b.

              We can apply a proof by contradiction say we have a causes b but a does not correlate with b. Then in this case we are saying if there is a it causes b it is thus a contradiction to say that a and b do not correlate as that would require that we have a without b but if a causes b this is impossible.

              I gave you ample oppertunity to do some research and realise that you have a surface level understanding or logic, mathematics, and statistics without me needing to prove your complete lack of understanding.

              Please educate yourself before you speak and if u must speak without doing so be willing when proven wrong to admit it without insulting people like a child having a tantrum.