• PumpkinSkink@lemmy.world
    6 days ago

    People don’t vote because politicians don’t materially benefit them. When politicians provide significant support to regular ass people in way that materially benefit them you will see more voters turn out, not when you whine to them about them not voting. If politicians wanted this to occur, our state reps and their staffers would be in our work places, talking to people, giving them reasons to be involved with the political party apparatus, and providing material aid to the poorest and least represented among us with their own hands. We have bad voter turn out because shitty, myopic politics breeds political disinvestment. This post has it pretty much exactly backwards.

    Anecdotally, I have friends from MA who don’t give one fuck about politics. Haven’t voted in years despite me telling them, messaging them with voter registration status, and locations, giving them every resource they need to make it as easy as possible. None of it mattered. Two of these friends in the last year have told me they want to vote for Governor Healy because they intend to use the free community college program, unprompted. Went out of their way to tell me. Another friend told me they like their state rep because they showed up at a union rally for their union and my friend realized from talking to the politician personally that the rep was a socialist who just happened to have a D next to their name.

  • IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee
    6 days ago

    I don’t mind the kids being force fed the Bible. At least they’re getting something in their bellies.

  • Godric@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    This thread is a shitshow.

    American democracy ends in a month if things go poorly. It’s done, over, gone. A Mein Kampf reader will no longer have any restraints, no adults at the table to say “no, that’s wrong” if he wins again.


    Bitch, whine, fuck you bringing this up in thread last 30 days, I live here. So do my fucking friends and family. I don’t want to see them or I put in camps to be “deported” for having the wrong skin color, lover, gender, or religion/lack thereof.

    Fuck you, vote.

  • Hellsfire29@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    Well, with how the country is handling the migrants, they proved that they could have solved homelessness the whole time,

    Trans people being put in camps? Nope. Just the gender reassignment for minors is an issue. Just because people disagree doesn’t mean trans people would become ostracized. Maybe if trans women would stop begging for attention because men are always the problem. Never see any issues from trans men. Only skewed views coming from them is their belief of “men can get pregnant”. Let’s not confuse opinions with facts. I don’t have issues with trans people but if society has to revolve around them rather than them assimilating with their preferred gender, then that affects everyone.

    Us and gay people would become third class citizens? Are we not all Americans? Why segregate the gays as if they’re special? We’re all Americans. The flag represents us all too. Maybe we should start acting like it.

    No one is forcing you to read the Bible. But it’s good to be versed in it. It’s one of the oldest books after all. Even if it is all made up. Religion shouldn’t rule our lives either. I wonder if religion is banned, that sex crimes would slowly drop. Maybe.

    The only issue is abortion. But people who want abortions more than any issue resolved is insane. If the government has to intervene, maybe they should make sure parents raise their kids with respect , decency and tolerance and maybe most abortions can be preemptively prevented. Only the medical cases would be necessary.

    Abortions can be a useful procedure if used properly. If you constantly get one because you always have unprotected sex, you’re irresponsible. If a man constantly gives a woman a need for one, perhaps that man should get snipped.

    IDK. There seems to be a logical solution for these problems, but of course we don’t have time for any of that. Or capable.

  • WoahWoah@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    Actual analyses done on this topic by Pew, Breugel, and National Affairs suggest this effect is largely not true. When considering the entire electorate, a significant number of non-voters lean Republican or are politically unaffiliated and would not support the democratic party.

    Further research indicates that, despite popular belief, higher voter turnout does not consistently benefit either party across the board. Over the past 70 years, there has been no strong correlation between increases in turnout and the Democratic vote share in presidential or midterm elections. This suggests that while higher turnout could marginally favor Democrats, it might not drastically alter outcomes.

    Democrats could gain some advantage from 100% turnout due to the inclusion of historically underrepresented groups, but the overall impact would likely be less substantial than expected, as the partisan balance among non-voters is more evenly distributed than commonly thought.

    The notion that 100% voter turnout would deliver a sweeping victory for Democrats is just a comforting illusion—one that feeds into the fantasy that everyone secretly agrees with you. Both parties indulge in this kind of wishful thinking, convinced that non-voters would tip the scales in their favor if only they showed up.

    The truth is that America is fiercely divided, and non-voters are just as politically varied as regular voters. Believing otherwise is just a way to avoid confronting how split the country really is.

    • abbadon420@lemm.ee
      6 days ago

      Also, popular opinion tends to shift to the right when times are tough and times are tough. You can see this happening in Europe as well, every European country.

    • Rekorse@sh.itjust.works
      7 days ago

      The government keeps fucking everyone but the democrats blame the republicans for it, and the republicans the democrats for it, not realizing they are talking about the exact same group of people.

      I’m shocked either party can maintain the illusion at this point but thats just my perspective.

      • WoahWoah@lemmy.world
        7 days ago

        If you don’t see a difference between the current political parties, that seems like a you problem.

        • Ajen@sh.itjust.works
          7 days ago

          That’s a strawman argument. Pointing out that one of them is worse than the other ignores the real problem - the system is broken.

          • Knightfox@lemmy.one
            6 days ago

            It’s not really a strawman argument, it’s closer to an ad hominem. In fact, the argument you are making is closer to a strawman.

            “A straw man fallacy is the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction.” -Wikipedia

            Saying that “if you can’t tell the difference between the two parties is a you problem” is attacking the person not the issue. Saying that the difference between the two parties isn’t the problem (when that’s what is being argued) and instead it’s the system is by definition a strawman. Using the strawman to make the discussion about the futility of voting in a flawed system just goes to show how much of a strawman it is.

          • theparadox@lemmy.world
            7 days ago

            And comparing the two parties like they are both the same within this broken system is counterproductive. One party is openly planning an authoritarian coup, and the other is far too beholden to the capitalist class. Voting third party or abstaining (same thing) is a vote to end whatever shreds of democracy we still have.

            Vote for the lesser evil and make a scene about whatever you don’t like but don’t pretend the two parties are the same. It kills morale and it’s bullshit to boot.

  • mwguy@infosec.pub
    7 days ago

    80% of Americans don’t support gun control. American Political parties are coalitions among themselves. Even if Ds won by 20 points they won’t have the support to do things like implement nationalized healthcare or overturning the 2nd Amendment.

    • theparadox@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      80% of Americans don’t support gun control

      Lol, seriously? Did your NRA rep tell you that blatant lie? Source please.

    • WoahWoah@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      “80% of Americans don’t support gun control” is pretty laughable wrong, considering the numbers actually paint a much different picture. According to Pew and APMRL, 58% of Americans want stricter gun laws, and nearly everyone—86%—supports universal background checks. 86%. Not exactly a fringe opinion, is it?

      Also, the idea that no one’s on board with any gun control measures conveniently ignores the fact that a majority of Republicans even support some restrictions like keeping guns out of the hands of people with mental illnesses. It’s almost like you made this number up.

      Sure, not every gun control proposal gets broad support—take things like an assault weapons ban, which has more partisan splits—but even there, almost three-quarters of Americans are on board with requiring licensing and testing, just like with cars. So, trying to paint gun control as some sort of massively unpopular idea just falls flat.

      • mwguy@infosec.pub
        5 days ago

        According to Pew and APMRL, 58% of Americans want stricter gun laws, and nearly everyone—86%—supports universal background checks. 86%. Not exactly a fringe opinion, is it?

        They hyper majority of gun sales have background checks involved in them. Universal background checks would either ban the private sale of guns (which SCOTUS would likely overturn) or open up the background check system to private citizens (which will almost certainly be abused from a computer security perspective & will lead to people realizing just how poor the system is).

        The point isn’t that 80% don’t support gun control, it’s that each thing on the wishlist isn’t widely popular. And even if the actions would lead to a landslide, Americans wouldn’t be happy about it.

        • WoahWoah@lemmy.world
          4 days ago

          So, you’re concerned about universal background checks affecting private sales? The whole point is to prevent dangerous individuals from using these loopholes to buy guns. Your argument is basically defending a system that lets people bypass regulations using airy justifications even though it’s exactly why universal checks are necessary.

          Your claim about potential abuse from a “computer security perspective” is just weak. There’s no concrete evidence that this would be a serious, unsolvable issue. We handle sensitive data in far more complex systems, so throwing out vague concerns isn’t a valid argument. It’s just a way to avoid real engagement.

          And your SCOTUS speculation? It’s a distraction. Sure, legal challenges might come up, but that doesn’t erase the fact that 86% of Americans want universal background checks. Hiding behind hypothetical court rulings doesn’t change the overwhelming public support.

          Your entire response relies on hypothetical fears, speculative legal scenarios, and flimsy concerns about private sales. It’s laughable that you can be so incredibly far off the mark about actual opinions of Americans on these topics while simultaneously claiming to speak for them. But none of it holds up against the simple fact that most Americans—across party lines—support stronger background checks and more gun control. You’re flailing to avoid engaging with the data, and it’s not working.

          • mwguy@infosec.pub
            4 days ago

            The whole point is to prevent dangerous individuals from using these loopholes to buy guns.

            Dangerous individuals largely aren’t using this loophole to buy guns. That’s part of the problem.

            The only gun control that might have a chance at stopping gun crime is a total civilian ban and that requires an Amendment.

    • BradleyUffner@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      You would have to define “gun control”. As I’m sure that more than 20% of Americans would be in favor of incarcerated prisoners not being allowed to carry guns, which is a form of “gun control”.

  • JasonDJ@lemmy.zip
    8 days ago

    force fed the bible.

    Dude…I was talking to my 5yo today. They’ve learned the pledge of allegiance in kindergarten.

    He recited it, perfectly, verbatim.

    I cringed slightly at the “under God” part, as I’m a devout atheist (though we’ve barely mentioned religion at all to the kids).

    Once he was done I asked him if he knows what any of it means.

    “No. But I can say the whole thing!”


        • Dragon "Rider"(drag)@lemmy.nz
          7 days ago

          Thank you, but drag actually has person independent pronouns. Drag is talking about dragself in the first person. And drag’s pronouns work the same way when someone else is talking about drag, no matter if it’s second or third person.

    • Lemminary@lemmy.world
      8 days ago

      I was, um, gently informed by a teacher once that you can say the pledge without “under God” and it sounds natural as it was originally intended. This blew my mind as a young atheist and made me realize how pervasive religion is.

      • Saleh@feddit.org
        7 days ago

        I would consider the daily fascist flag ritual the pervasive thing here. If someone wants to swear by his faith that seems much smaller of an issue to me.

        Incidently it seems fascist nationalism and other totalitarian political ideologies to have been at odds with religion in their times and places. See Hitler and Stalins regimes as examples.

    • boonhet@lemm.ee
      7 days ago

      Meanwhile my 3yo stepdaughter in kindergarten spends the day painting with watercolors, singing, dancing, playing with others and apparently learning common courtesy (The other day she told me that in kindergarten they’re supposed to say “please” when asking for something).

      Much as I’ve wanted to move to the US for the significantly higher salary ceiling as a software engineer, I don’t think I could do it to her.

      • Phoonzang@lemmy.world
        7 days ago

        Well, the much higher salary ceiling might look nice on paper, but let me tell you from experience that it is eaten up quickly by higher cost of living. I have been fortunate enough to work for short (one to three year) stints in the US, most of that in the SF bay area. A few years after returning (more or less for good) to my EU home country where I now have a government job (which does not pay as well as industry jobs), one of my former SF bosses asked how much he’d need to pay me in order for me to come work for him long term. It was quite tempting, and I did the math back and forth and in the end arrived at 2.5x of what I’m making now, and that is on the low end. I have a few colleagues and friends in similar situations, and the 2x-3x figure is what we generally agree on. Between health insurance, child care, retirement savings and housing, your cost will be dramatically higher than in most EU countries, and this does not factor in differences in Labor rights and potential visa issues.

        The SF bay area of course is extreme, but a low six figure salary puts you just above the poverty line there (so people say). Working remotely living in some low COL state might be an option, but then again you will live in East armpit nowhere Kansas…

    • wieson@feddit.org
      8 days ago

      I cringed at the part “pledge of allegiance” and then again at “kindergarten”.

      Americans don’t realise how north Korea style that is.

      • CascadianGiraffe@lemmy.world
        7 days ago

        Oh we do. We often recognize it while still in school. But you learn quickly you are not allowed to question it. If you don’t follow orders, you will be disciplined.

      • Metz@lemmy.world
        7 days ago

        Couple of years back i stumbled over this video, which i as a german think is absolutely fucked up: https://youtu.be/DjX7zoFrd7g?si=6BtMIxqTxtdAYHvi

        Quote from the Wiki about the “Young Marines”

        The creed that every Young Marine lives by is:

        • Obey my parents and all others in charge of me whether young or old.
        • Keep myself neat at all times without other people telling me to.
        • Keep myself clean in mind by attending the church of my faith.
        • Keep my mind alert to learn in school, at home, or at play. *Remember that having self-discipline will enable me to control my body and mind in case of an emergency.

        Its absolute insane what they do to this kids: https://www.instagram.com/means_tv/reel/C7T93trOtg3/

        • Enkrod@feddit.org
          7 days ago

          Fellow german here, if you want even worse ick, look for “Jesus Camp” on YouTube.

    • whoisearth@lemmy.ca
      8 days ago

      Reminds me of when I had to have a meeting with the school about some additional speech therapy for my daughter. It was in the morning and cut to the Canadian Anthem playing. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stood up for the anthem. Fucking weirded the shit out of me. I’m 47 and born and raised Canadian. Standing or reciting anything blindly as a group is fucking weird.

    • Bytemeister@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      This might surprise you, but we don’t want gun control.

      We want to send our kids to school with out worrying that some whackjob is gonna loose 200 round of military grade firepower into their classroom.

      We want to to be able to stand in line for pizza without it being a life threatening event.

      We want fast food workers to be able to run out of French fries without getting fired upon.

      We want to be able to sleep in our own beds, in our own homes without worrying that our neighbors will mix up houses, come in, and shoot us thinking we are an intruder.

      Thats what we fucking want, and if you can find a way to get all that without enacting very slight inconveniences to the sale and ownership of firearms in the US, then you need to speak up. Otherwise you need to fucking shut up.

  • kittenzrulz123@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    8 days ago

    What I don’t understand is what harm is being reduced by doing “harm reduction”? I get maybe one or two election cycles the candidate isn’t ideal but after decades of horrible candidates that increasingly become more right wing over time it seems that no real harm is being reduced. Working class people are are still starving under Biden and likely will under Kamala, simultaneously the Capitalist class continues to aquire obscene amounts of wealth. Meanwhile we’re all supposed to go along with the idea that Neoliberalism is the only option while so called “radical leftists” (social democrats and social liberals) are too extreme for government. This election cycle we’re offered a candidate that has promised to encourage fracking, likley will not offer any federal protections for women and other minorities, openly supports Israel, and is overall a spineless corrupt career politican that for some reason we’re all supposed to nod our heads to and say “yup shes the face of the American left”. If we keep doing “harm reduction” soon we will all be reduced to nothing.

    • BallsandBayonets@lemmings.world
      8 days ago

      It’s not about harm reduction, it’s a slow boil towards fascism. We’re all just frogs in a pot of slowly heating water, except frogs actually will jump out before they boil to death; humans aren’t that smart.

      Every four years the centrists say “vote for us, because the Other Guy is worse!” And they’re not wrong, especially since 2016. But they’re also not even pretending to be on our side anymore. Everyone says the Republicans have taken the mask off and aren’t hiding their evil, but it is the Democrats running a candidate who is openly working with members of the party of greater fascism, it’s the Democratic candidate who is pro fucking fracking the earth, and it’s the Democrats (as well as the Repubs) who aren’t even bothering to lie to us about wanting to stop the genocide that our tax dollars are directly funding.

      However, I have to say that I’ll be voting for the party of lesser (or at least slower) fascism come November. Not because I agree with a single thing they’re doing (since their platform is still “We’re not as bad as the Other Guy”), but because they threw us exactly two bones in dropping Biden and giving the VP to one of the few Ds who actually looks progressive (where he can do the least damage, of course).

  • RestrictedAccount@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    Don’t believe the naysayers. No matter which state you are in, your vote is important. Extreme Conservatives have been taking over school boards and imposing their agenda on kids.

    Offices like Sheriff, Coroner, Secretary of State, Lt Governor, State Representatives, City and County Councils etc. are all important.

    Every Vote Counts!!!

    • MegaUltraChicken@lemmy.world
      8 days ago

      Offices like Sheriff, Coroner, Secretary of State, Lt Governor, State Representatives, City and County Councils etc. are all important.

      Not only are they important, it’s exactly how the freaks running the GOP took control of the party. They’ve been grinding 2 things consistently for decades: down ballot races and the judiciary. It’s been wildly successful for them. We are going to have to match if not duplicate that effort.

  • Ignotum@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    kids are force fed the bible

    Well that can’t be true
    Republicans are strongly against feeding children after all

    • Rekorse@sh.itjust.works
      6 days ago

      Buy our new Trump Bible Mk.39! This new edition features pages made out of pork rinds so your constituents can taste the word of our lord!