• Bytemeister@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    This might surprise you, but we don’t want gun control.

    We want to send our kids to school with out worrying that some whackjob is gonna loose 200 round of military grade firepower into their classroom.

    We want to to be able to stand in line for pizza without it being a life threatening event.

    We want fast food workers to be able to run out of French fries without getting fired upon.

    We want to be able to sleep in our own beds, in our own homes without worrying that our neighbors will mix up houses, come in, and shoot us thinking we are an intruder.

    Thats what we fucking want, and if you can find a way to get all that without enacting very slight inconveniences to the sale and ownership of firearms in the US, then you need to speak up. Otherwise you need to fucking shut up.