I really don’t see how much stronger I could say I disavow trump other than to say that the prospect of trump winning makes me want to make the thing that the guy used on shinzo abe.
I’m upset with the democrats for their absolute failure to deliver on being any better than republicans when it comes to killing people abroad. (it also looks super bad to have been the ones sending nonstop weapons to kill kids while natural disasters are rocking the country) I don’t care about hypotheticals in the future, I care about what’s been happening in the here and now.
You can’t win with people who are brainwashed from birth to think they aren’t. They just want to carp on endlessly about how bad the other guy is so they don’t have to cop to how far right the “left” is and how it’s not the glowing endorsement that war criminals are endorsing them.
Deliberate doesn’t mean you’re getting paid.
You could just get a kick out of being contrary to feel special.
You could be a troll to feel superior.
You could be a MAGA masquerading as an anarchist.
And yes, you could also just be dumb.
it rules that you guys have these elaborate backstories whenever someone has a different opinion from you lol
I’m just not interested in my representatives making sure endless american bombs are used to blow up childeren, that’s my main issue.
“You guys”?
I’m one person.
So you slam Democrats but not trump that advocated for Netanyahu and that he should go into Gaza with even more force, because they aren’t human?
Makes sense.
So you’re staunchly advocating against putin whenever you can for these exact reasons, right?
I really don’t see how much stronger I could say I disavow trump other than to say that the prospect of trump winning makes me want to make the thing that the guy used on shinzo abe.
I’m upset with the democrats for their absolute failure to deliver on being any better than republicans when it comes to killing people abroad. (it also looks super bad to have been the ones sending nonstop weapons to kill kids while natural disasters are rocking the country) I don’t care about hypotheticals in the future, I care about what’s been happening in the here and now.
You say it now, your comment history tells otherwise.
You are what you do, not what you claim.
Citation needed
oh yeah?
You might apply that to yourself.
He wanted a citation, I gave him a link to the person that coined the expression before me.
I’m not into Jung, I just googled if someone said the thing I said before and got a hit.
So, since you seem to know, what advise can I get out of Jungs studies for myself?
I skimmed over it before posting, I’m pretty confident that I haven’t become my mask but are moving towards my true self constantly.
You can’t win with people who are brainwashed from birth to think they aren’t. They just want to carp on endlessly about how bad the other guy is so they don’t have to cop to how far right the “left” is and how it’s not the glowing endorsement that war criminals are endorsing them.