If someone didn’t learn enough trigonometry in school:
1+tan2c = cos2c/cos2c + sin2c/cos2c = (cos2c + sin2c)/cos2c = 1/cos2c;
sqrt(1/cos2c) = |sec c|
And here is for the people who still don't get the joke
The reading of the answer is very similar to the word “sexy”, which makes the whole sentence a reference to the song “Sexy and I Know It” by LMFAO.
Thanks for this! While I absolutely love science, math is why I never pursued it.
That and I’m waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy too stupid. Lol
But I was taught that the proof was in the pudding
Thank you for this. Trig was definitely the hardest of the maths for me.
I never learned it. This is one of the few times in my life where it would’ve been useful
I was in advanced math classes from like 4th grade all the way up to AP Calc 2 my junior year. Aced all of them except trig. I just could not wrap my head around it.
Trig isn’t that bad? It’s just about relationships between angles and triangles/circles. If you learn SOH CAH TOA and what the inverses are/mean you’ve pretty much got it.
I struggle with trig because it’s a lot of memorization. The fundamentals are pretty easy, but I never remember the unit circle and I never remember all of the identities.
I only remember useful things. And I consider these useful because I did some low level graphics programmed once and had to use them in practice. Once you understand why these things exist, it becomes that much easier.
Yeah, I’m just very spatially-challenged, and I think that’s where my academic understanding and actual understanding breaks down.
I learned it but promptly forgot it. Thanks.
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I, a smart person, totally get the joke. But could you explain it to my friend?
Here’s a hint
oh yes! this is really helpful to me
but my dummy friend still don’t get it
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I showed that to my friend, and I still don’t think they got it.
Replace A with c, take sqrt of both sides, insert right side into shirt
My friend thanks you.
you also have a dumb friend I see?
I keep reading titanic
Hardy har har
The first thing I thought was “that’s not the formula for secant” and it’s not. I checked.
It rearranges to secant of c
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