So I kinda just realized I didn’t sleep for the past 24 hours. Noy sure if it’s the longest I’ve been awake, but probably of the top 5 longest. I’m dealing with depression so my sleep cycle have been fucked up. Got coffee I think around the 12th hour mark.

I’ve basically just been watching youtube videos, browsing lemmy. Googled random things.

Idk why, I guess I just wanted some dopamine boost from coffee and now I can’t sleep lmao. Maybe a bit of anxiety around certain recent political events.

I honestly am not sure if I’m actually awake or dreaming.

Anyways, what is the longest time you’ve been awake without sleep? When did it happen and why?

    4 months ago

    50+ hours, when a loved one went into septic shock several years ago (they eventually got better). When they were stabilized and I was finally able to sleep, I just basically said “okay, now is fine” to the darkness creeping in from my peripheral vision every time I closed my eyes and let it finish doing so. I was asleep within a few seconds.

    4 months ago

    I sometimes get bouts of insomnia. Usually when it happens, I’m just awake for about 30 hours or so. That’ll happen once or twice a month for me, and I’m pretty sure is just stress-related.

    The longest I’ve gone was 75 hours when I was in my early 20s, which was due to a really bad allergic reaction to cedar pollen which kept me from breathing while laying my head down in any position, so I couldn’t fall asleep no matter how hard I tried. I was also running a pretty high fever while this happened. I probably drifted into microsleeps while sitting up a few times during that, but it was absolutely miserable.

    I started having really bizarre auditory hallucinations after about the 40-hour mark. I’d hear a crowd of people laughing from behind the walls. Not like a malicious laugh, but like there was a stand-up routine happening in the next room over. Nobody else was home, no TVs were on, and it was like 3am so I knew what I was hearing wasn’t real, but convincing myself of that didn’t make the laughter stop.

    I think I slept for about 13 hours straight after that.

      4 months ago

      There were a few times I was staying up late to play WoW and the computer fan would start talking. Not saying any words, but like listening to the Sims talk.

    4 months ago

    I stayed up for over 2 nights but I was on some heavy drugs. Near the end I was hearing voices and there was shadow people in my peripheral vision. I also couldn’t put together a sentence , the words would come out in the wrong order .

    4 months ago

    4-5 days. Hard to tell.

    I was 14, it was spring break, the rest of my large overbearing family went on a trip I didn’t want to go on, so I had the house to myself and didn’t want to waste a single minute.

    Heavily fueled by energy drinks, and the auditory hallucinations really started kicking off after day 2. After a while you’re not even really tired, just craving a break, it’s easy to lose track of when exactly you did something and what day it is. Even still, the involuntary micro-naps started cutting in about halfway through day 4.

    4 months ago

    25h for doing a 100% “speedrun” of Paper Mario: The Origami King 5 years ago.

    I was the first one to ever do it so I can say I’m a former world record holder :p

    4 months ago

    40 hours for me. Work related waste of my life in hindsight. Could have been only 39, but I powered through the last hour to hit the round number.

      4 months ago

      "I need to sleep desperately

      Brain: “Give it one more hour so it’s forty.”

      “What? Why?”

      Brain: “You gotta”

    4 months ago

    1994, I was… A manager for Radio Shack. No, I didn’t wear bad pants.

    My District Manager (DM) promoted me to a larger store from my current store. The other manager was being demoted… To MY store. Which made the whole thing a bit awkward. The other manager and I also were not getting any more help. We literally were going to do the takeover inventories ourselves… both stores.

    I got up Saturday morning at 7:30 and got into my store at 8:30am and worked till 6pm, when my store closed. One of my employees said he’d help with my store’s inventory, but he couldn’t work past 10pm. We entered final counts and started reconcile at 4am. Reconcile is typically left to the manager taking over, but I didn’t trust the guy, so we both did the reconcile (comparing what we counted in the store vs what the computer said was in the store and explaining any variances). That was done about 6am, largely because he wanted to dispute items that were at the repair center that I had documented. We then moved to his former, my new store. Which had a much larger inventory. We stopped and picked up breakfast and started counts around 7:30. By this time I had been awake and working for 24 hours.

    Inventory of my new store was a fucking nightmare. Counts were WAY off from computer’s inventory. Entire computer systems were missing, monitors, a couple of hi-fi receivers. Don’t even get me started on force feed. At about noon, I called our DM and said I needed either him, or a senior manager onsite to cover this inventory and some helpers. My DM’s lazy ass wasn’t about to work on a Sunday, so he sent a senior manager and two employees. The senior manager, someone that I knew and trusted, did reconcile as we finished counts. Boy was the inventory completely screwed. That was just the large items, by 10pm we hadn’t even gotten into the force feed items (items hanging on pegs). We finally got counts done at 6am and I signed off on the reconcile around 7:30. The store opened at 9am, but I lived 25 minutes away, so I just freshened up in the restroom, went and bought a case of Cokes and opened the store. I was supposed to have an employee come in at 1pm and another at 5pm…

    The employee that was supposed to work from 1pm to close (9pm), decided to just never show up, he was also the other key holder. RS only had two key holders in the store back in those days. The one at 5pm was a part timer and could not close. So I ended up working until 9:30 that night.

    I got home at 10pm, made some dinner and got to sleep at 11pm and it was Monday night.

    So I was awake from 7:30am Saturday till 11:00pm the following Monday and was at work all but maybe 30 minutes. I think that was about 63.5 hours and I still had the rest of the week to work. It took me about a month to get my sleep schedule back into any semblance of normalcy.

    I will starve and die in the gutter, before EVER working retail again.

      4 months ago

      Retail can be awesome. It’s shitty leadership that puts you in those positions that suck. No one should have let you do that to yourself.

    4 months ago

    I’m not sure it was the longest, but most recently I was up over 36 hours straight.

    Worked then pulled an all nighter driving to Florida to visit my friend. Got there at 7:30 am and then did a whole day with them before passing out after midnight.

    4 months ago

    I did a little over 4 days when I was a teenager just to see how long I could go. Really kinda sucked after the first 2 days. But I was just playing video games.

    I did many 2-3 day stints in the Army. That sucked way, way more because yeah, I was definitely not playing video games.

    4 months ago

    I think the longest was 4 days when I was 12/13 as kind of a “I wonder if I can?” I was pretty much neglected as a kid, so I was left up to my own creative paths, and there was a time when I was trying out all kinds of new age stuff of the late 1970s and early 1980s. I think one of the things I read about was something experimental called “Delta sleep,” where you could get a night’s worth of sleep for just 2 hours only. I am sure it was new age bullshit, but “the army is experimenting with this” and so I decided to give it a try, using a biofeedback machine home kit that I had. This led to, among other things, parasomnias, but my record was 4 days with no sleep (roughly 80 hours, so less than 4 days technically).

    For lack of a better term, things became “crispy.” Like too in-focus, too real, too stark. Colors were too bright, sounds were too loud, edges of thing were too defined. We all have a mask that we present to the world where there is a buffer of self versus your environment, and that was gone. My short term memory became horribly degraded, and I started seeing moving shadows where there were none, and certain things had “vibrations” and others did not. I can’t tell you which had what, because I couldn’t figure it out, and I suspected towards the end I was hallucinating, anyway. So what I am saying in all this was that’s what I remember, and I am not sure if my memories are 100% accurate. I wrote stuff down, but toward the third 24 hour period, it was indecipherable afterwards.

    “Okay, the trees are like lungs of the earth… how exactly? And why is the letter X written everywhere?”

    So my end opinion after all those experiments was “if you don’t sleep on the regular, your brain starts to malfunction, and not in a fun way.”

    Since that time, the longest as an adult was 46 hours, when I worked a 12 hour swing shift at a vastly understaffed International; help desk, and my second called in sick for two days. So I did my 12, she called in sick so I did her 12, and then I did my 12, and after another 10 hours my boss found someone to let me go home. I was in poor shape. I never want to do that again. The desk record was 54 hours, when a snowstorm prevented anyone from getting to or leaving the building, but that was someone else, and I believe the company set up cots for everyone trapped.

    4 months ago

    About 36h. One day, one night and the next day. Party + drugs.
    I did this twice actually, but I like sleeping too much to make it a regular thing.

      4 months ago

      The second day always feels soooo strange. Dissociation/derealization is nuts. For me it was always MDMA that kept me up the next day.

    4 months ago

    Around 48-50 hours. I didn’t want to. I was in excruciating pain and couldn’t take anything due to conflicting conditions. I didn’t hallucinate in the way of seeing people who weren’t there, but I have no idea if any memory from that stretch is real or something I imagined.

    4 months ago

    Bit more than 72h. We were doing a practical project at uni and had a deadline on the following Tuesday. We got to work on Saturday. We made it on time, though, everything worked. 10am that day we had a presentation scheduled.

    And then somebody short-circuited one of the motor control boards and it stopped working. That’s when I left to go sleep for a day.

  • 👍Maximum Derek👍
    4 months ago

    Not quite 5 days.

    I had a bulged lumbar disc but all the pain was in my knee so I thought I had done something to my patella. I couldn’t get in to see my doc so I was just trying to make my knee comfortable, which was impossible because it was an inflamed nerve. Then finally I was crawling back into bed for one more try to sleep and something about how I moved shifted the bulge and the pain went away. Maybe 30 seconds later I was hard asleep.

    This was in the 90s and one of the local stations played reruns of Gilligan’s Island from 2:00 am until the news started at 5:30. I watched so many episodes… but I’m fine (⊙_⊙)

    4 months ago

    36? 38 hours? Something like that… I kind of lost track around 30.

    Gaming. Ultima IV.

    The hallucinations were interesting. Hard flat surfaces like table tops and counters started rippling like water.