Sadly, this has the same issue as the DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT license because it doesn’t protect the creator from liability. Otherwise, I always love these parody licenses.
WTFPL rules. 🤷
$ sudo ./
sudo does not exist. Are you sure you're not misspelling sumo?
BTW how do you do the red text?
If I recall correctly, the colored text is client specific and it colors common/specific words when when their in code format.
Are you by chance using voyager?
Connect :-)
Yes, e.g. I got the
in blue and everything else light grey.
Nah I think its some weird misspelling of doas :3
Sir, this is a wendys.
db2 is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
The screenshot seems to violate the licence it contains.
There is no screenshot. You are imagining it. Fuck you and your screenshot!
Oh, that explains it. Well, I imagine a license that also forbids people to imagine it. Fuck you and your imagination
Yeah, I imagine.
Is there a name for this license framework?
FU License?
It’s titled FUCK YOUR LICENSE at the top so I’m guessing that it’s called FUCK YOUR
Fuck my what?
Yeah that’s either not an acronym or it’s a shite acronym.
I’m going to burst your bubble but GitHub doesn’t allow non open source licenses on public repositories.
Just ask winamp lol
Edit: not open source, but at least forkable and viewable
Winamp had a bunch of other issues with code they didn’t own being stuck in that repo. Github encourages FOSS licenses, but doesn’t require it.
You’re under no obligation to choose a license. However, without a license, the default copyright laws apply, meaning that you retain all rights to your source code and no one may reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from your work.
If you publish your source code in a public repository on GitHub, according to the Terms of Service, other users of have the right to view and fork your repository. If you have already created a repository and no longer want users to have access to the repository, you can make the repository private. When you change the visibility of a repository to private, existing forks or local copies created by other users will still exist. For more information, see “Setting repository visibility.”
My bad! Said open source instead of forkable + viewable. Derp is me
I’m not so sure about that
Is this compatible with Tuxedo Drivers?
what you gonna do if I do view your code? revoke my license?
kill you