These books were written in a time where monarchy was the norm across the world and said monarchs could just do whatever the hell they want and basically nobody could do anything about it.
Having a king was a fact of life. The idea of a King above all other Kings, who would hold the unaccountable to account, who understood and sympathized with the plight of the common man, was a very appealing prospect to everyone. It also served to put the literal fear of God into the local monarchs and maybe prevent them from abusing their power too badly.
This still holds today because of the traditions of the holy books. Christ has been “the king of all kings” as written from the very beginning, and this was most likely political propaganda intended to reign in actual kings. But the title has stuck even when monarchy hasn’t stuck around in a lot of places.
In addition the relationship between the Abrahamic God and His followers is heavily modeled off the relationship between a feudal lord and his vassals. That’s why they call him Lord. The people follow the rules and regulations of the Lord, and provide him with income, and in return the Lord protects them from disaster or invaders. The same dynamic is used to illustrate the relationship between God and his followers.
Christianity has Christ as our king as one of the core beliefs. Not sure about other religions, but I think the general view is because religion is meant as a form of societal control, which isn’t inheritably bad as we are a social species, but is abused by many of those in power.
Why are all religious people obsessed with being ruled by a fucking monarch?
This question is directed at you included.
These books were written in a time where monarchy was the norm across the world and said monarchs could just do whatever the hell they want and basically nobody could do anything about it.
Having a king was a fact of life. The idea of a King above all other Kings, who would hold the unaccountable to account, who understood and sympathized with the plight of the common man, was a very appealing prospect to everyone. It also served to put the literal fear of God into the local monarchs and maybe prevent them from abusing their power too badly.
This still holds today because of the traditions of the holy books. Christ has been “the king of all kings” as written from the very beginning, and this was most likely political propaganda intended to reign in actual kings. But the title has stuck even when monarchy hasn’t stuck around in a lot of places.
In addition the relationship between the Abrahamic God and His followers is heavily modeled off the relationship between a feudal lord and his vassals. That’s why they call him Lord. The people follow the rules and regulations of the Lord, and provide him with income, and in return the Lord protects them from disaster or invaders. The same dynamic is used to illustrate the relationship between God and his followers.
Christianity has Christ as our king as one of the core beliefs. Not sure about other religions, but I think the general view is because religion is meant as a form of societal control, which isn’t inheritably bad as we are a social species, but is abused by many of those in power.
It’s wild to see Christians who accept that their religion is about control, but are OK with that.
Gross. I hope you don’t have kids that you subject to this.
All 30 kids with 20 women…Life requires control, my faith is about self control and helping others.
Being ruled by a moral good monarch is better than whatever oligarchic hell hole America has.
Someone hasn’t read their Bible