I tend to forget the impact of 7 decades of rabid anti-socialism propaganda Americans have been bombarded with. They are not going to think “Sweden” but “Stalinist USSR instead”.
It doesn’t matters who it benefits, it’s the naughty word so it’s bad. Keep voting for the leopards.
For the life of me, I can’t understand how people think Russia is communist. Like, at least the PRC is nominally communist and describes itself as a communist state (even if it’s not really doing communism).
But Russia? The USSR was dissolved decades ago. The Russian Federation never claimed to be communist. Are these people just stuck in the Cold War?
All the Maga voters I know have been pretty supportive of the killer, despite the irony that they voted for privatized healthcare.
They fear “Government death panels”. I wonder how they rationalize a “for profit, private death panel” being any better.
I tend to forget the impact of 7 decades of rabid anti-socialism propaganda Americans have been bombarded with. They are not going to think “Sweden” but “Stalinist USSR instead”.
It doesn’t matters who it benefits, it’s the naughty word so it’s bad. Keep voting for the leopards.
My favorite is “communist socialism”.
My favorite is when people talk about communist Russia (a capitalist oligarchy) or china (a capitalist…authoritarian state?).
For the life of me, I can’t understand how people think Russia is communist. Like, at least the PRC is nominally communist and describes itself as a communist state (even if it’s not really doing communism).
But Russia? The USSR was dissolved decades ago. The Russian Federation never claimed to be communist. Are these people just stuck in the Cold War?
You’re overthinking it. It’s just a synonym for “Russian”, or maybe “enemy”.
They haven’t been told what to think yet. That’s what’s happening now.
Wait until their demigod speaks on the matter…