Recently a cop died in my city. The news was like “officer died on duty while responding to a robbery”.
Turns out the fat ass died of a heart attack in his cruiser while parked outside.
Now the city police is painting him as a fallen hero who deserves a state funeral paid by us. Meanwhile I lost 5 of my coworkers during COVID, working at a hospital. Nobody lowered a flag or gave them so much as a mention in the newspaper
Molly Conger a.k.a. Socialistdogmom once did a deep dive on a report their city police made to show “deaths in the line of duty” and at least one was someone who died on vacation of a long term medical issue. Another ridiculously common one was classifying cops who died in car accidents they caused while not even pursuing anyone as in the line of duty.
Part of the thread:
Extra EDIT: Dove some more and found some other ones
The one that got shot by his pal because they forgot they didn’t used training ammo was pretty hilarious, but the best part was that he shot him IN THE BACK, i see they were really training what they usually do to real people.
I’ve just started listening to Weird Little Guys, she’s quite the funny storyteller
Me too! Stumbled across it during a 24 hr drive. It was a lifesaver.
I don’t like police officers as a general rule. But I also don’t really advocate for death as a blanket statement. This is just a poor taste joke.
Edit: Jesus, ya’ll can stop replying now. No wonder we have genocide, so easy to dehumanized others, and not even notice.
You can stop being a cop. The victims of cops can’t stop being black.
The victims of cops can’t stop being black while only 1,858 out 8,248 victims of police brutality were black from 2017-2024
It’s seems the proponents of ACAB are only capable of heuristic reasoning.
That’s not a graph of police brutality, that is a graph of killings by gunshot wounds from police.
Now let’s find out how many people are black out of the US population and figure out why the numbers you posted is a problem.
Fair enough. I guess my overarching point is that making generalizing statements like “all cops are racist” or “the victims of cops can’t stop being black” are harmful to the discussion considering there are also non-black victims of police brutality.
I feel it’s better to say that there’s an issue with racism within the police force that needs a solution (which is one of the main points of BLM) rather than resorting to lazy slogans like ACAB that do nothing to further the discussion. The very definition of slacktivism
While people might actually say out loud that all cops are racist, what they actually mean is that the system is racist. Not all cops are racist, but they participate in a racist system. That makes them bastards.
Id say that’s pretty bastard-like myself.
Id say that’s definitely one of the core issues, but also the police’s core history as well. I do know that cops can do good things, but I’ll still stand with the ACAB crowd all day. Even though those cops can and do good things, at their core they’ve joined an organization that will protect themselves and the rich at the cost of us. That is undeniable. There is something categorically wrong with the police force in the US and likely most of the world.
This is kinda the problem with this reasoning though. You’d have to admit the police do more good than harm by maintaining some form of societal order and occasional brutality is only some consequence of it.
I’d prefer to live in a world with bastards that maintain order than none at all.
That’s what we’re talking about though. What they’re doing is not order. The police typically escalate situations that don’t need to be escalated, they’re prone to fear because it’s how they’re trained and they view us as criminals and assailants. They do not protect order for normal people, they protect order for those that have enough power and influence.
No one feels comfortable when cops are around aside from cops and the rich. You’re trading false security for your rights.
I agree about blanket statements and calls for death, but it looks to me like this meme is just calling cops trash.
No one made such a statement, but thanks for the pearl clutching.
They’re human beings who have chosen to sell their body and will to the state to be used as a cudgel to enforce the state’s will through violence. We would prefer that they voluntarily stop participating in the oppression, but if they don’t they are willingly taking up arms against the disenfranchised, which means I have less than zero sympathy when they get what’s coming to them.
“The state’s will” in most cases is to stop a murderer or a robber or whatnot.
People work for the police not to become the instrument of the state, but to prevent actual crimes. The rest sadly often comes after.
Y’all acting like cops are just useless parasites - good luck surviving a week in a modern word without them.
Yeah because cops have always existed
In before times, crimes were easier to stop as people primarily lived in small communities and it was easy to find out and exclude people, which then often meant death.
But even still, plenty of today’s crimes were rampant. As much as I’d love to see anarchism in action, this requires core changes to the structure of society, and we’re not at the point where getting rid of police will be a positive step forward.
Police doesn’t stop crime, it never has and it never will. You have to get this idea out of your head.
I’m with you. People can be so fucked up sometimes…
You’re apparently the only one if this comment chain is any indication.
So in response to cops stereotyping minorities, let’s sterotype all cops? Then let’s take that to the extreme and disrepect a dead person you know nothing about, for laughs.
Even If you knew for a fact that the person in that cofin was a bad cop, does thier family deserve this image being passed around like this. No. One could understand if your motive was to help effect change, and crossing this line would help. But you are doing it for laughs and internet points. There is nothing good about that.Being a cop is a choice.
Being a minority is not.
What about all the ACAB (assigned cop at birth) people?
Checkmate liberals.
People are definitely born cops and it’s an immutable characteristic.
It’s the checkbox parents mark on thier birth certificate. Irrefutable once done.
The parents in GATTACA had an option to choose cop genes for their embryo.
That’s funny. I never caught that.
Hey, don’t talk like that about pigs. They’re usually much nicer than people.
No pig ever chocked someone to death in the street for the crime of being born poor and black.
All cops are garbage. Every single one of them.
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What the fuck are you talking about? You ever had a cop find and arrest someone who violated your rights? Must be nice to be that well off! Around here cops just beat students during protests and protect scabs during strikes.
The cops were pretty responsive when Brian Thompson was shot
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From an outside perspective, or from a position of ignorance?
At least I personally don’t know any American cops and I somehow doubt that you know any, but I can be wrong about that of course.
I do trust that their countryman have a more informed opinion on American cops than ‘outsiders’ do though.
I’m white. By the time I was 18 I was held at gun point 3 times.
None of those times was I doing anything dangerous or illegal.
I also turned 18 around the turn of the millennium, before policing became so militarized.
You have no idea how violent and bad American police have become if you don’t live here.
You mean, whether the cop that did that should be arrested?
They won’t. They have some immunity thing going around.The answer is that all cops are criminals and deserve to be in prison.
Honest question; in this thought experiment, who would arrest and put them there?
That depends. How rich is the victim in your scenario?
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Bounty hunters
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Holy shit. Calm down Karen.
That’s funny. I didn’t hear anyone holler “soooie!”
Cops aren’t people
Ah yes they were born cops