Rules: only places that don’t exist, so no “NY from Spider-Man” also if you can limit to a building or little town, not an entire city or map.
My pick: The Spencer Mansion from 1996 Resident evil. I always loved that place. Of course without the creatures.
Toussaint (Witcher 3)
It’s basically just the south of France so kinda doable.
+1 for this, beautiful place
Hyrule from breath of the wild, ideally after beating the game
Tears of the Kingdom storyline has entered the chat
Stardew Valley. I’ll run for mayor and finally kick that asshole out of office.
I’ll start a store to compete with both Joja Mart and Pierre!
Rapture from Bioshock when it was all shiny and new.
citadel, mass effect
Do avoid the elevators and take the stairs
Aperture Science and Black Mesa Research Facility, they are both huge and filled with high tech.
Don’t forget cake!
The cake was a lie.
oh my god, Vvardenfell, absolutely. the volcanic island from Morrowind
I’m old and I still imagine being a Telvanni mage when I’m having trouble falling asleep
Don’t forget to cast feather fall if you want a glass of water in the middle of night.
Pallet Town
Anywhere in the No Man’s Sky universe. Though starting off on a paradise planet would be especially good.
Night City must be an equally terrible and stunning place to live.
There are classic ones like the Citadel (Mass Effect) or even Halo for the aesthetic beauty, but honestly I think I think it would be extremely serene to go to the cabin from Spirit City: Lofi Sessions. Each time I play that game I find an incredible desire to be in the cabin; my chest honestly tightens each time I think about being in such a relaxed, no-cares place with the perfect decor and perfect weather.
However, assuming this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I would probably pick somewhere unrivaled in beauty or technology (gotta pick up some useful things if I can…). I don’t think my desire for peace and tranquility can outgun the practical part of my brain
Stardew Valley would be calming and escapist. Skellige from The Witcher 3 would be beautiful, but I probably wouldn’t live long there.
Planet 4546B from Subnautica. Such an amazing and beautiful world.
Does Kanto count?
If not… Howarts from the Harry Potter PS1 game…
If not… The locations of Toy Story PS1 game…
(As you can see I am rummaging through my childhood memories).
Hogwarts from the new game is a pretty great recreation too. Although, I’d rather live quietly in one of the side villages.
Although, I’d rather live quietly in one of the side villages.
Yeah, who wouldn’t be able to do their chores with magic, or having unlimited housing capabilities with it!
You wouldn’t necessarily be a witch, just live in the Harry Potter world
Kanto is heavily based on the real similarly named region of Japan
Still different enough to count, I’d say. Besides, the real Kanto doesn’t have pokemons
Meridian, Horizon Zero Dawn The Citadel, Mass Effect Rapture & Columbia, BioShock A large, fully built-up island, any Anno game
Bonus: Tamriel, Skyrim, but that’s probably too large for the scope of the question
Another Bonus: Anywhere in No Man’s Sky, as long as I have a spaceship