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“y burritos” ~ cartman
Taco flavored kisses
Sir, that was Hennifer Hlopez
looks like a tácito you’d get on the streets of Tijuana. Just meat and guac.
sooo delicious.
Wow, this sounds very delicious!
God I can eat that taco right now… the whole damn thing…
Edit: just to let you all know, this has now ushered to me into an all taco keto diet.
I’ve been wanting to go back into keto for a long time, and I found the least painful way for me to do it is to use low carb tortillas and just continually eat tacos three meals a day. I found I can do it for less than 20 carbs and generally get into keto within three or four days.
I just cooked 5 lb of meat and meal prepped it in the fridge for tacos.
2D Taco ain’t much fun.
This is my nightmare taco…only guac. 🤢 I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but fuck avocados.
More for me
And ME!
fuck acacados
You can do that??? :woozy: 🍆💦💦
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“Ask your doctor about tacos.”
Taco Tuesday did save me from starvation during college when nothing else would.