I was going to say I was impressed this wasn’t some stupid ass conspiracy about Natives causing it with controlled burns, but frankly I even doubt these fucks know that’s happening.
This whole conservative California hate grift relies entirely on poorly educated people and people who have just never been here having no idea how big California is. You can drive 12 hours down the highway full speed and still not be done driving through CA. There’s no way that undamming a river that doesn’t even feed into our reservoirs could have affected us, but it sounds plausible if you think “in the same state” means a couple of hours away at most.
California spans close to the same lattitude of Atlanta to Boston. It is like 6 states in a trench coat.
I was going to say I was impressed this wasn’t some stupid ass conspiracy about Natives causing it with controlled burns
Considering that part of the actual cause is lack of controlled burns, I’m surprised they didn’t try to push that conspiracy as a DARVO tactic, too.
Yeah it’s huge. When I moved west I was awestruck by how damn big California is.
Takes nearly as long to drive from Needles to Oregon as it does to cross the span of Texas, which I would think some conservatives have a better grasp on.
In Shadowrun lore the Native American Nations fucked the US over. One side had chad shamans erupting volcanoes and shit, the other had virgin nukes. My money is on the NAN.
NAN also let anyone in, while the other side was very racist.
Source: https://youtu.be/ZO11GG-1vZA&t=6m30s
This headline is blowing this hard out of proportion. This dude is blaming a political leader and said something like, “he removed dams, because the natives told him to to save some salmon…” then moves right along. He didn’t blame the natives, he blamed the politician for listening to anyone else about removing dams.
I’m OK with lighting people up but I really hate cherry picking.
It’s not really cherry picking though and it is blaming native Americans. The dam isn’t the problem, living in and overpopulating an area that has an entire ecosystem based on burn renewal is the problem.
It was a secondary comment and not entirely a finger pointing at native Americans.
It’s like saying, “my house is a mess because my partner didn’t clean and the cat shit on the floor and the trash wasn’t changed” and saying that I’m blaming the trash not being changed for the whole house being messy. The headline is misleading and cherry picking. An omission of the full truth.
We won’t grow properly if we are just paralleling the opposition with half truths.
It’s not at all misleading he’s quite literally blaming native Americans. You’re the one contorting yourself into knots to say he’s not being a racists shithead.
“Well if they hadn’t been taken over by us, we never would have had white people living there who would have been affected!”
That isn’t an opinion, it’s what a terrorist cunt would say, and everybody repeating the idea should be treated like a terrorist by everybody.
Wow, the comments on that video makes me puke. What a bunch of lying hypocrites
Up is down and down is up.
Oh hey, they learned that one from fucking bozo! https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1240819
Did he shout it when he came or was he just making casual conversation while you were rawdogging him?
It knew it was them, even when it was the bears!
Oh great, what did Chicago do now?
I wonder what the justification is. That they caused global warming?
The justification is that tribes urged the government to save a species of fish, which fox news considers wasting water, no blame is put on corporations that use impossibly more water for snack cultivation eg pistachios which they consider to be the white corporation owner’s god given right.
For these people there doesn’t have to be a justification. There just has to be someone else who you have an excuse to perceive as being lesser than you, so that you can ignore the fact that you are the lesser person.
Dam removal on the Klamath river, 500 fucking miles away, which wasn’t a resevoir for firefighters in Los Angeles and did not in any way contribute to the water shortage in Los Angeles, because again, it was 500 fucking miles away.
500 fucking miles away,
I’m actually surprised how few people point this out. I’ve literally seen people saying “all” the hydrants were dry because they wanted to save some fish. As if somehow the water needed (probably well north of millions of gallons) could magically be transported those 500 fucking miles.
And not to confuse the issue, because again, the Klamath River is not close enough to matter, but dams contribute to drought conditions.