
I go to the gym since december. I started at 83,6 kg now I am at 79,4 kg. My goal is about 72 to 74 kg without losing too much muscles.

Right now I cant do a single pull up and I do a upper body lower body split.

Upper body:

  • Lat Pulldowns (cable)
  • Seated Rows (cable)
  • Australian Pull ups
  • Push Ups
  • Dead Hangs
  • Shoulder press (seated with dumbbells)
  • bicep curls standing with Dumbbells
  • Triceps cable machine

And lower body days I do

Leg press Leg extensions (machine) The other Leg machine that I pull back lol Lunges Knee raises on pull up bar

The wednesday and saturday I do inclined walking at 15% incline and 4 km/h speed for 30 minutes

My thought is losing weight, makes pull ups easier and doing some more bodyweight stuff.

Im scared I will develop disbalance somewhere, am I missing something?

  • thedirtyknapkin@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    as a side note, make sure your checking your posture and shoulder flexibility as you do it. many people do them with an arched back. you should be able to hang straight down through the whole motion while doing them. that’s the part i struggle the most with.

    set your back flat against the wall and slowly raise your arms up from the side keeping them flat against the wall. if your back or arms need to lift off the wall at all as you reach all the way up you should work on your flexibility as well.

    • howrar@lemmy.ca
      2 months ago

      There’s no problem with doing pull-ups with an arch. It’s just a different variation that uses a different set of muscles. Most people find it easier to pull with an arched back.